Week 7: Lecture Flashcards
why are psychoses more likely in cities?
less social cohesion and social control, discrimination and socio-economic disparities, the city acts as a magnet for ‘at risk’ people, drug use is relatively high in the city, exposure to pollution, less green, much noise, stress sensitisation
Self-Medication Hypothesis
suggests that clients use substances as a means to reduce their psychiatric symptoms
How can substance use as a form of self medication also ben interpreted ?
middelengebruik als vorm van zelfmedicatie kan echter ook worden geïnterpreteerd als verergerende symptomen: gedragsprincipes kunnen een nuttig perspectief bieden om deze schijnbare tegenstelling te begrijpen → mensen met (vroege tekenen van) de ziekte nemen cannabis om ermee om te gaan
→ just a correlation: genen die vatbaar zijn voor psychose, maken ook vatbaar voor cannabisgebruik. niet perse een oorzaak gevolg reactie
GxE Correlation
the association between an individual’s genetic propensities and the environmental niches that individual selects. Het heeft met elkaar te maken.
What is the road from genetic effect to behaviour?
amino acids - Proteins –> protein complex –> Cell structure / function –> behaviour
De Novo Mutation Hypothesis
predicts that in fathers with inreasing age, mutations rates increase, mutations in vreating new cells, cells that end up in your germline. these can be potentioal error. They can influence the blueprint on negatively or positively
mutations in an individual despite not being seen in parents, an important source of genetic variation: relevant to studies of human evolution, genetics, and disease
‘Selection Into Late Fatherhood’ Hypothesis
states that delaying fatherhood (i.e. advanced age of father at the birth of his first child), rather than the biological correlates of advanced paternal age per se, is responsible for the paternal age e ffect
paternal age effects
The paternal age effect is the statistical relationship between the father’s age at conception and biological effects on the child. Such effects can relate to birthweight, congenital disorders, life expectancy and psychological outcomes
Social Causation Hypothesis
experiencing economic hardship increases risk of mental illness
Social economic status has an influence on mental health
Selection/Drift Hypothesis
stelt dat psychische aandoeningen de sociaaleconomische ontwikkeling kunnen belemmeren en ertoe kunnen leiden dat mensen in de lagere sociale klasse terechtkomen of nooit aan armoede ontsnappen (beide ook psychose inbegrepen)
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
describes a set of symptoms with alteration of body image → an alteration of visual perception is found in that way that the sizes of body parts or sizes of external objects are perceived incorrectly, the most common perceptions are at night.
What is the difference between AIWS and hallucinosis?
AIWS is characterised by perceptual distortions
What are the 3 reasons why AIWS is so important?
- Biological basis of perception
- Humbling historical lesson
- Perhaps not so rare
What area in the brain is triggered by hallucinations and real life observations?
Sensory cortex
a condition in which a person is unable to correctly perceive objects