Week 7 - Immune System Flashcards
1st Line Defense
- Barrier - Epithelial cells
- Secretions - Mucus perspiration, saliva, ear wax
- Antimicrobial cells - phagolytic neutrophils, macrophages, natural killer cells
2nd line Defense
- Inflammation
* Mediated by complement proteins
3rd Line Defense
- Cellular and humoral b cells
Disease caused by invasion of pathogenic organisms that produce or multiply
Interventions: prevention - vaccinations, standard and specific precautions
Treatment - antimicrobials
- Administration of agents that significantly interfere with the ability of the immune system to respond to antigenic stimulation by inhibiting cellular and humoral immunity
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Hydrocortisone and prednisone
Used for autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities
Cytotoxic drugs
Immunosuppressants in rheumatoid arthritis and severe psoriasis
* Affect rapidly growing cells (lymphocytes, malignant cells, bone marrow, skin, lining of GIT)
Antilympthocytic Serum
Produced by horses, rabbits or goats
Antibodies to Lymphocytes
Can cause bone marrow depression
Disorders of B Cell function
Impair the ability to produce antibodies and defend against microorganisms and toxins
Combined T and B cell Immunodeficiency
Mutation in any of the many genes that influence lymphocyte development
human immunodeficiency virus
Transmission of HIV
Blood, bodily fluids, semen, vag fluid, breast milk
Treatment of HIV
No cure
Drug therapy - triple therapy - suppressing viral activity
protein on the virus coat binds to CD4 molecules on T helper cells (macrophages and dendritic cells)