Week 7+8 Flashcards
Clamorous (adj)
loud-spoken; demanding
Coercion (n)
practice of persuading someone
complaisant (adj)
aware of
congenital (adj)
existing at birth or by nature
top, superb
to bring to completion
contentious (adj)
quarrelsome (people) controversial (issue)
contrite (adj)
suffering from a sense of guilt, repenting
corporeal (adj)
physical, material (as opposed to spiritual)
cosset (v)
to pamper, to coddle, to treat like a pet
Credulous (adj)
gullible, believing anything
crestfallen (adj)
disappointed, dejected
cursory (adj)
hasty, superficial
curt (adj)
rudely abrupt
cryptic (adj)
mysterious, obscure
dapper (adj)
neat and trim (in dress)
dauntless (adj)
dearth (n)
describes a lack of something
debase (v)
to lower (someone or something) in rank
decorous (adj)
well-mannered, seemly, observant of the proprieties