27+28 Flashcards
Remand (v)
to send back
Replete (adj)
abundantly supplied with something
reprobate (n)
a depraved, unprincipled
moving bckward
ribald (adj)
vulgar or indecent speech
Rubicund (adj)
red or reddish
to think deeply about something
sagacity (n)
acuteness of mental discernment
Salacious (adj)
lewd, lustful, lecherous
salient (adj)
prominent or conspicuous
sanctimonious (adj)
making a hypocritical show of religious devotion
sanguine (adj)
cheerfully optimistic
sartorial (adj)
of or relating to clothing or style
saturnine (adj)
sluggish in temperament
seminal (adj)
having a strong influence on ideas work
sententious (adj)
having/expressing strong opinions about what people should and shouldn’t do
sentient (adj)
able to feel, see, hear
sinuous (adj)
having many curves
solipsism (n)
the theory that only the self exists
reticent (adj)