week 15+16 Flashcards
garrulous (adj)
Germane (adj)
relevant, pertinent
gossamer (n)
filmy cobweb left by spiders on grass or bushes
gratuitous (adj)
something that is given without being asked for
gregarious (adj)
sociable, fond of company, not habitually solitary
harmonious (adj)
concordant in sound, forming pleasing or consistent whole
harangue (n)
a lengthy and aggressive speech
heedless (adj)
showing a reckless lack of care or attention
Homage (n)
special honor or respect is shown publicly
Hubris (n)
arrogance and insolent pride
iconoclast (n)
one who challenges accepted beliefs
illusory (adj)
this words describes things that are deceptive
imbibe (v)
to drink
imperturbable (adj)
calm, not easily excited
imponderable (adj)
difficult to estimate
incarnate (adj)
indigenous (adj)
originating or occurring naturally in a place
indolent (adj)
lazy, slothful, will do anything to avoid exerting himself
ineffable (adj)
inexpressable, unspeakable
innocuous (adj)