Week 7 Flashcards
A 17 year old girl is brought to the emergency room for abdominal pain and vomiting. She has a fever, and further questioning and exam reveal that the pain is in the right lower quadrant and has rebound tenderness. She says the pain began around the umbilicus. She is very nauseated and vomits again during the exam.
What must be ruled out prior to coming to the final diagnosis in this patient?
You must rule out pregnancy!
Check beta-hCG
A 35 year old woman is being treated with leuprolide for infertility issues. Her father is also being treated with leuprolide for prostate cancer. Describe how variations in administration of leuprolide can modify its effects and, therefore, usage.
Infertility - Pulsatile leuprolide stimulates production of FSH, stimulates the ovaries, Stimulates the follicle development
Prostate Cancer - Continuous (depot) leuprolide - suppresses production of LH and FSH, Reduces production of testosterone, Helps slow the growth of prostate cancer
What are omega 3 fatty acids, and what are their current clinical applications?
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, double bond at the 3rd carbon
Present in fish oils/flaxseed oils
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
α-linolenic acid
Treatment of hypertriglyceridemia
Other possible uses
Decreasing arrhythmias in heart disease
Augment Nerve/eye development in utero
Improving inflammation (RA)
Your patient is experiencing bloody diarrhea. What are bacteria that can cause bloody diarrhea? Given the different bacterial causes of bloody diarrhea, how might MacConkey’s agar help you identify the specific bacteria?
Invade the wall of the gut:
Campylobacter - easy to identify visually (S-shaped)
Salmonella - Do not ferment lactose
Shigella - Do not ferment lactose
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
Y. enterocolitica - coccobacillus
E. histolytica
C. difficile- gram (+)
MacConkey’s agar identifies lactose fermenters:
E. coli - does ferment lactose
MacConkey’s agar can help you differentiate between E. coli and Salmonella and Shigella which do not ferment lactose!
Which antibiotics fit each of the following descriptions?
**Treatment for Gram (-) rods in patients with renal insufficiency **
Which antibiotics fit each of the following descriptions?
**”Big gun” antibiotic (effective against Gram (+) cocci, Gram (-) rods, and anaerobes) **
Imipenem + cilastatin, or meropenem
Which antibiotics fit each of the following descriptions?
**Prophylaxis in AIDS patients against P. jirovecii pneumonia **
Which antibiotics fit each of the following descriptions? **Used as solo prophylaxis against TB **
Which antibiotics fit each of the following descriptions? Prophylaxis for those exposed to someone with meningococcal meningitis
Ciprofloxacin or rifampin
You are performing a well child examination on a 4 year old girl. The patient was recently adopted after being removed from the biological mother for abandonment. What changes might you see in your evaluation? What are the effects seen in an infant when there is long-term deprivation of affection?
Poor care
- Neglect
- Depression
- Malnutrition
- Short stature
- Low weight
- Dental caries
- Skin infection - scabies
Deprivation of Affection
- Poor muscle tone
- Poor language skills
- Poor socialization skills
- Lack of eye contact
- Weight loss
- Failure to thrive
A 43-year-old male coal miner complains of a single, non-healing lesion on his right hand. Coal miners are at increased risk of skin cancer because of their exposure to arsenic.
What type of skin cancer is associated with this exposure?
Squamous cell cancer
A 27-year-old pregnant woman, G2P1, develops lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding in her 24th week of gestation. An ultrasound reveals a partial detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall. What is this condition called?
Placental Abruption
(Abruptio Placentae)
A patient with placental abruption is at high risk for developing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). What are the common causes of DIC? What is the primary mechanism of DIC?
Causes of DIC - STOP Making New Thrombi -
- Sepsis (gram-negative)
- Trauma
- Obstetric complications (amniotic fluid embolism, abruptio placenta)
- acute Pancreatitis
- Malignancy
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Transfusion
Mechanism: Widespread activation of clotting factors -> Consumption of clotting factors -> excessive bleeding
What important intracellular proteins are common to both the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways?
Caspases - cysteine protease that cleaves after aspartic acid
A 60-year-old man who has avoided routine prevention is experiencing worsening urinary symptoms. He states that he has trouble starting a urinary stream and he has to wake sometimes up to 5 times a night to urinate. Upon digital rectal exam you notice a symmetric enlargement of the lateral and middle lobes of the prostate. An elevated blood pressure of 146/96 is also noted.
Which adrenergic antagonists can be used to treat hypertension as well as urinary retention in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
**What is the difference between the prostate exam findings in BPH versus adenocarcinoma of the prostate? **
- α1 antagonists - Terazosin, Prazosin, Doxazosin
- BPH - symmetric, smooth, enlarged
- Adenocarcinoma - Asymmetric, hard nodule on prostate
A 28-year-old man known as the “elastic-skinned man” at the circus visits your clinic for a check-up. What are the features of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Type III collagen defects
- Hyperextensible skin
- Tendency to bleed/bruise easily
- Hypermobile joints
A type 1 diabetic patient presents to the emergency room in distress. A third year resident checks the patient’s arterial pH; the pH is 7.3 and the patient’s pCO2is 38 mmHg. What are the common causes of metabolic acidosis with an elevated anion gap?
Anion gap metabolic acidosis: MUDPILES
- *M**ethanol
- *U**remia
- *D**KA
- *P**araldehyde
- *I**ron tablets/isoniazid
- *L**actic acidosis
- *E**thylene glycol
- *S**alicylates
What is BNP, and how is it useful in cases of heart failure?
- B-type natriuretic
- High BNP helps confirm the diagnosis of heart failure
A 36-year-old woman has had multiple syncopal episodes recently and after her initial work-up, there is some concern for a cardiac tumor.
What is the most common primary cardiac tumor in adults? In children?
- Adults - Left atrial myxoma
- Children - Rhabdomyoma
A 1-year-old boy is brought to the ER for seizure activity. The seizure was quickly identified as being attributed to severe hypoglycemia. After stabilizing the seizure activity, the initial laboratory work reveals a metabolic acidosis. The patient’s exam reveals hepatomegaly. You think this patient might have a glycogen storage disease (GSD).
What GSD is most consistent with this clinical picture?
What is the difference between Cori disease (GSD-type III) and Von Gierke disease (GSD-type I)?
Von Gierke Disease (Type I Glycogen Storage Disease)
Deficient in glucose-6-phosphatase (glucose can’t exit the liver)
No effective gluconeogenesis/glycogenolysis
- Severe fasting hypoglycemia
- Lactic acidosis (cells make lactic acid when glucose is not available)
- Seizures
Cori Disease (Type III Glycogen Storage Disease)
Milder form of Von Gierke (type I)
Capable of gluconeogenesis
- Hypoglycemia is less severe
- No lactic acidosis
A 43-year-old man complains of fatigue and a petechial rash. Laboratory evaluation reveals a normocytic, normochromic anemia.
What are the causes of normocytic, normochromic anemia?
Nonhemolytic Anemia
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Aplastic anemia
- Kidney disease
Hemolytic Anemia
- Intravascular hemolysis - Mechanical destruction (aortic stenosis, prosthetic valve)
- Extravascular hemolysis - Autoimmune diseases, Hereditary diseases (present with jaundice)
What breast pathology fits the following description? Most common breast tumor in women under 25
What breast pathology fits the following description? Most common breast mass in postmenopausal women
Invasive ductal carcinoma
What breast pathology fits the following description? Most common breast mass in premenopausal women
Fibrocystic change of the breast
What breast pathology fits the following description? Most common form of breast cancer
Invasive ductal carcinoma
How can a skull fracture at the base of the brain lead to pulsating exophthalmos (protrusion of the eye)?
Skull fracture ->
Torn ICA in cavernous sinus ->
High blood pressure in sinus ->
Blood fills the ophthalmic vein and orbit ->
Exophthalmos which pulses
A 25-year-old man is evaluated in the clinic for red, swollen, and painful right wrist and left knee joint. During the exam, the patient brags about his sexual conquests.
What sexually-transmitted organism can cause osteomyelitis as well as this patient’s septic arthritis?
*Neisseria gonorrhoeae - *Most common cause of septic arthritis in a young sexually active individual
Which respiratory infectious agent fit the following descriptions? Common cause of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients
Most common cause of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients
- Staphylococcus
- Enteric Gram (-) rods
- Fungi
- Pneumocystis jirovecii
- Viruses