Week 7 Flashcards
What is the general aggression model?
Every person is different- the person’s personality and lots of things about them increase or decrease their responses to aggression.
What are the 3 things that happen internally during the aggression model?
1- Various cognitions will be activated in the person’s semantic memory and in their neural network
2- They will have an emotional response
3- Level of physical arousal will change.
Then you will have immediate response.
Then, you will have a trigger and a reappraisal response.
In the US how many hours a day are we exposed to media with overlapping sources?
10.75 hours
In the US how many hours a day are we exposed to non overlapping sources?
7.5 hours
In AUS how many hours did kids spent on recreational media?
5 hours 10 minutes
How many acts of violence did Hudson estimate to have seen by the age of 18
200000 acts of violence and 8000 murders. Most recent up to 40000 murders.
What are the 3 basic streams of psychology research into media?
Three streams of psychology research •Is there an effect? •If so, what are the psychological mechanisms? •Remediation
Is there really an impact of media on violent behaviour?
•Both short term and long term effects 10-15 minutes there is greater chance of aggression Long term effects- de-sensitised. Hostile attributional bias- they think people are more violent than they actually are. •Several key impacts well established: •Increases in aggressive behaviour • More fearful; Age effects • Perceptual features vs. plot • Concrete vs. abstract thinking •Emotional desensitisation to violence
Least convincing is the increased appetite for violent media.
What causes moderate aggretional violence?
Multiple causes
What parts of the brain are areas of interest regarding violence?
- Amygdala- nitiates Fight or Flight, Senses Danger
- Posterior Cingulate- Associated with Trauma Memories
- Prefrontal Cortex- Disinhibition of Aggression
- Right Hemisphere- Negative Emotions
What did they find in the brain mapping experiment?
When you watching violent images, most activation is in the right hemisphere- bigger activation of negative emotions
Reduced involvement of prefrontal cortex
What is another way that people acquire aggressive behaviours?
In the MTV study, what percentage of reduction was seen in verbal aggression?
In the MTV study, what percentage of reduction was seen in object aggresion?
In the MTV study, what percentage of reduction was seen in against others?