Week 7 Flashcards
Whats a stressor?
An objectively verifiable event that occurs outside the individual that has the potential to cause stress.
What is the general stress model?
Stressors-> stress-> strain
Whats stress?
An individuals internal response to, of evaluation of , stressors; often characterized by negative feelings of arousal
Whats a strain?
The result of stress
What does a stressor vary along?
Vary along frequency of occurence , intensity, duration and predictability (time of onset)
What are the different role stressors?
Role conflict: incompatible demands from two or more sources
Inter-role conflict: incompatible demands from two or more roles
Role ambiguity: uncertain expectations
What are the different categories of workplace stressors
Career concerns, work scheduling (switching shifts), interpersonal relations (bullying), job content and control (highly repetitive)
What are moderators?
Factors affect peoples evaluation of stressors and their reactions to stressors as well
What are the 4 categories of strain reactions?
Psychological, physical, organizatiknal, behavioral
What are the different psychological strain reactions?
Disturbance in affect: mood
Disturbance in cognition: concentration
Explain the physical strain reactions?
Increased strain may lower body’s resistance by impairing the immune system
Explain the different behavioral strain reactions
Development of nervous habits, avoidance of situations, engaging in aggressive behaviour, increase smoking
Explain the different organizational strain reactions?
Increase absenteeism, decrease performance, disturbance at work, increased turnover, increase of workplace accidents
What are the 3 levels of stress interventions?
Primary: reducing or removing stressors
Secondary: minimize negative consequences once feel stress
Tertiary: helping pple who experience stress and symptoms of strain
What is aggresion
Behaviour that is intended to physically or psychologically harm a worker un a work related context
What are the occupational risk factors for aggression?
Scheduline: work alone
Authority: have authority over others
Valuable: working around valuable products
Taking care of others: outside traditional workplace
What is violence?
An actual physical assault or threat of an assault
Explain the different types of violence
Type1: no relationship to the organization
Type2: committed by clients or customers
Type3: committed by coworkers
Type4: committed by spouse of the victim