Week 7 Flashcards
The fall of Assyria was brough by __ and ___
and where were they from
Who inheritied the role of Assyira, building a large empire
Babylonians and Medes
The fall of Assyria was brought about by two external enemies, the Babylonians of Southern Mesopotamia and the Medes from the highlands of North-West Iran
The Babylonians
inherited the role of
Assyria, building a large
Who are the persians?
Which Leader created the persian empire
what happened to the medes?
The Persians, a people of Southern Iran
CYRUS created the persian empire
The Medes were incorporated into the empire of the Persians and were not excluded from power.
For Greek sources, Medes and Persians were
virtually equal
Why are the kings of persioa called achaemenids?
What did Cryus concuqer
Who was his and who was his son’s csucessor
The kings of Persia traced their ancestry back to a certain Achaemenes, so they are also called the Achaemenids.
- Cyrus conquered the large state of Lydia and the Babylonian empire. When he died in 530 BCE, he left an empire stretching from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.
- His son Cambyses added Egypt and his successor Darius I territories in the Indus Valley, Central Asia, Libya, and NE Greece, making the empire the largest of ancient Near Eastern history.
Who did Cyrus conquer
Cyrus conquered the large state of Lydia and the
Babylonian empire.
Was darious a memebr of th eroyal house and how was leader?
Darius was not a
member of the
royal house, but a
high official who
claimed distant
descent from
He emerged from
a succession crisis
at the death of
After dealding with rebllions darious reoginzed the empire how?
About 20 provinces were
instituted, each governed by a satrap (“protector of the
Official inscriptions were ___,
Official inscriptions were multilingual,
Was the kind a unfiying figure
and what did each king have to be and what was thier repsonibility
he king was the unifying figure: he appeared with the
traditional image of the ruler in different regions
(Babylon, Egypt).
* Each king had to be a descendant of Achaemenes and
was his responsibility to bury his predecesso
The royal family was devoted to
The royal family was devoted to the god Ahuramazda and
was the responsibility of the king to guarantee order,
justice and truth on behalf of the god
Who were the satrap
who were the persian nobles
a netowrk of ___ conencted the persian core to the provinces
The satrap was usually a Persian of high rank, who
had his own provincial palace complete with
archive and treasury.
The Persian nobles were given large estates of
crown land in different parts of the empire.
* A network of royal roads connected the Persian
core to the provinces.
Which was larger non persian or persian when large armeis assembled
When large armies were assembled for important
campaigns, non-Persian soldiers outnumbered the
The armies of the satraps were made of ___ while the persians were ___
were merceinaes hired?
There large untis of ___ men divdied into smaller units f ___ and then of ___
The armies of the satraps were made of local troops,
especially infantry, with Persians making the elite
troops, the officers and the cavalry
There were large units of 1,000 men divided into smaller
units of 100 and then of 10, with a hierarchy of senior
and junior officers.
The Persian army relied on a combination of ___ and ____
The Persian army relied on a combination of
long-range combat, with large numbers of missile
troops both on foot and mounted, and close
combat with spears, axes and swords. Persian
cavalry was numerous and had an important role
in battle
why did only a few elite troops had metal breastplates or scale
Only a few elite troops had metal breastplates or scale
armor, since mobility was more important than passive
Shields were lifht and there were also large rectnagular sheilds called
compare spears of persiand and greek and how were spears complented by which weapons
what was th emain offensive weapon
how did they wekqne th eenemies before engatign them
Spears were shorter than greek spears and were compented by axes daggers and swords
The bow was the main offensive weapon. Foot soldiers
used bows to weaken the enemies before engaging at
close quarters.
Persian calvary was equiped with ___ ____and ____
and when enemies were disorigned or broekn the calvary would ___
Cavalry was equipped with
bows, javelins and spears.
* The role of the cavalry was to
open battle and weaken the
opponents before the
infantry came into actio
When the enemies were
disorganized or broken the
cavalry would chase them.
Persian royal inscriptions emphasize the __ and ___ of the ruler and the ___ functionign of the ___
Persian royal inscriptions emphasize the moral and
administrative qualities of the ruler and the
orderly functioning of the empire under his
When war is mentioned, the royal inscriptions
simply make generic statements that the king
intervened to stop disorder, with the guidance of
When war is mentioned, the royal inscriptions
simply make generic statements that the king
intervened to stop disorder, with the guidance of