week 6 test Flashcards
When do you send Obstruction danger?
If you need to stop trains from signal box in rear because of a Obstruction or emergency within clearing point at your box
Must do this no matter where your block indicator is
When do you not need to send Obstruction danger
Obstruction is beyond clearing point
There are facing points you can immediately set for another route clear of the Obstruction and that route is clear to the clearing point
Other instances to send Obstruction danger
Train out of section not Received
Is line clear not Aknowledged
Train proceeding without authority in right direction not Received
Shunting move not Aknowledged
What must you do after you have sent/received Obstruction danger
BITOL (if not all ready there) until the Obstruction has been removed
All signals leading to the Obstruction back to danger to protect Obstruction
Attempt to stop any trains (emergency call)
Reply with 6 or 4-5-5 depending on situation
Find out/tell other signallers why the bells were sent and reach a clear understanding of those lines that must remain blocked and those that can be re-opened
If you have received Obstruction danger and you have stopped a train in your section what must you do
Cancel the train, Block indicator will remain at TOL
Bell code for Obstruction removed, proceeding in right direction, wrong direction and cancelling
Obstruction removed 2-1-2
Proceeding without authority right direction 4-5-5
Proceeding without authority wrong direction 2-5-5
Cancelling train 3-5
If a train is in the same section as the Obstruction danger when can you send train out of section?
You don’t, you must send Obstruction removed 2-1-2 once both the Obstruction as been removed AND the train has passed beyond the clearing point CWTL
When do you block back during Obstruction danger?
If you need to alter the facing points at a junction to allow a train to pass over the junction from another direction meaning the Obstruction would now be in the clearing point you must first block back inside the home signal (2-4)
Bell code for train passed without tail lamp box in advance
Bell code for train passed without tail lamp box in rear
4 5
How may you know a train has passed without tail lamp?
Ops control
Station staff
Track workers
Physically looking out of window
Bell codes
Why do you check for tail lamp?
Physical indication that whole train has made it out of the section
Allows us to send train out of section 2-1 and place Block indicator to normal to be able to be offered another train
Where must block indicator remain after you have sent 4-5 passed without tail lamp to box in rear and when will it change?
TOL until driver, signal box in advance or train going in opposite direction has contacted you/gave you indication that the line is clear (when you can give 2-1 train out of section to box in rear)
What must you do if train passes with a tail lamp but the light is out?
Send train out of section as normal
Send 9 bells to box in advance (after train entering section)
Inform box in advance that the lamp is out
You do not need to caution trains on opposite line
What precautions must you take before allowing a signal to be passed at danger?
The portion of line is clear and it is safe for the movement
Barriers or gates at controlled level crossings are closed to road traffic
All points are in the required position and locked by facing point locks where provided
Any ground frame release is normal unless needed for movement
What must you tell a driver when authorising them to pass a signal at danger? (other than single line working in wrong direction and block instrument failure)
Why the signal must be passed at danger
How far the movement can proceed
Proceed at caution
Pass any SPAD indicators which may illuminate
Check and to approach at caution and check that it is safe to pass over any:
Controlled level crossings
Automatic level crossings that will not operate normally for the movement
Barrow or foot crossing with white light indicators that will not operate normally for the movement
2 occasions you can use restricted acceptance
Single line working
Engineering train Is to enter a t3 possession of the line with a work site marker board within the clearing point and the line is only clear upto the home signal
When will train out of section be sent during restricted acceptance and where will block indicator be placed?
When the train has passed the home signal, Block indicator remains train on line
What must you say to a driver that has been accepted under restricted acceptance?
You have been accepted under restricted acceptance only as far as the home signal.
Only say proceed at caution if you are authorising a signal passed at danger because line clear could not be given to clear section signal
Methods of contact for a driver to signaller
Mobile phone
Line side telephone
SPT telephone
Another SPT
Driver going to signal box
Through another driver
What are IWA, COSS, PC, SWL?
IWA individual working alone
COSS controller of site safety
PC Protection control
SWL safe work leader
Which personnel do not fill in a RT3181 form?
Station staff
Train crew
DP designated person
Why might you need a line blockage for 13.1?
Personnel might need to work on the outside of a train stopped on a running line because of failure or other incident
Driver asks you to block line for them or other staff to walk alongside their train
A DP needs to walk with a group to a failed train or other incident
Member of station staff asks to go onto the line at a station platform to retrieve items
What must you say to a person receiving a line blockage under 13.1?
The line will stay blocked until person tells you that the line blockage is no longer needed
Any other lines that could be still running trains
What must you agree with a COSS etc before granting a line blockage
Nature of work
Exact location of work
Length of time needed
Time after which blockage can be granted
Arrangements for leveling crossings that will be affected
Do they require any additional protection
What the protecting signals are
The line to be blocked
Any single line arrangements
Forms of protection in a line blockage
T-cod Take the token Disconnect signals Detonators EPR engineering possession reminder
If the work is within 200 metres of protecting signal and affects the safety of the line what must you do?
Use the signal previous to protecting signal as a MAD signal
What must you do with the first train passing after a line blockage that has affected the safety of the line
(also a ibh signal)
Watch the track circuits to make sure they operate correctly
Section signal cannot be cleared for a second train to approach a ibh signal until train out of section is sent for the previous train
What must you do when signalling equipment fails?
Make operational railway safe
Tell any other signallers involved
Tell ops control
Make sure trains pass safely
Enter details into trb
When can you allow a driver to approach a defective signal (generally)
May approach a defective Stop Signal if it is placed in the on/danger position and you are sure the correct aspect is showing
May approach a defective distant signal
If it is set to caution and you are sure the correct aspect is showing
May also allow a train to approach a defective signal if you have made sure the correct proceed aspect is shown, it will not cause the driver to see an incorrect sequence and one of following applies
The line is clear to the buffer stops of a dead end
The train has been accepted to the box in advance (when necessary)
The line is clear up to and Including the overlap of a ibh signal.
The defective signal is in between the home and section signal and the line is clear up to the section signal
What must you do with a defective ibh signal
Must make driver aware of the fault at the section signal before approaching regardless of the aspect showing
Get line clear from box in advance
What is a complex failure and who takes responsibility
Failure of power operated points which needs more point ends to be set or secure than a simple failure
Includes all failures that affect switch diamonds and swing nose crossings
Goes through a route setting agent RSA
What is a simple failure
Failure of power operated points that needs-
Single point end
Single point to end and Co acting trap point
Both ends of a cross over
WHIP for passing signals at danger
How far
Proceed at caution
Who can give a driver authority to pass a signal at danger
Shunter acting on signallers instructions
Pilotman or hand signaller acting on signallers instructions
Another competent person
If you can, when must you operate the signal lever concerned if the signal is to be passed at danger?
The signal is: defective
Cannot be cleared because signalling equipment has failed
If you cannot operate the lever or the signal is to be passed at danger for any other reason you must
Reverse all levers that usually release the signal lever concerned
Normalise all levers that usually lock the signal lever concerned
If the interlocking is out of order you must make sure
The facing points on any other line are set to avoid conflicting movements normally prevented by the interlocking
Signals for conflicting movements are at danger
Routes for any conflicting movements are at danger
Before you authorise a wrong direction move you must make sure that
Barriers or gates at any controlled level crossings are closed to road traffic
Any automatic half barrier crossings without wrong direction controls are locally operated
All points are in the required position and locked by facing point locks where provided
Any unworked points are secured (trap, catch)
Any ground frame release giving access to the route is normal unless it is needed for the movement
What must you do with the first train on the adjacent line which could be fouled by the movement being set incorrectly during wrong direction moves?
Stop any train until the wrong direction move is complete, you may start running trains once you know the wrong direction route is set UNLESS you change the route after the first wrong direction
When do you not need to make sure the line is clear for 400 metres beyond the signal the movement is taking place to?
When the movement is proceeding towards:
Stationary train
Point of Obstruction
Detenators protecting possession
Beyond the point at which it will return to a line in the right direction
What must you instruct a driver when carrying out a wrong direction move
What is required
How far the movement will go
Check where possible, that points and crossings are set correctly for movement
That any unworked points are secured (trap, catch)
Proceed at caution
Arrangements at level crossings
If flood Water is moving and likely to dislodge ballast, or has dislodged the ballast what must you do?
Stop all trains and contact ops control
What must you do if Water is standing
A. Upto bottom of rail head
B. Upto top of the rail head
C. Above the top of the rail head
A. Run trains normally
B. Upto the top speed of 5mph
C. Stop trains, only movements permitted by ops control
Where from and how deep can snow be before stopping trains and what must you do?
8 inches from rail head
Contact ops control
Bell code for working in wrong direction
Train clear of section
Train withdrawn
What is the head code for an assistant train (light locomotive)
When must you use the working in wrong direction reg and do you need to get permission?
Permission from ops control
When it is necessary for an assisting train to proceed through one or more sections in the wrong direction
Over the unaffected line to assist a failed train from the front
Over the unaffected line line to assist a failed train beyond the failed train in the normal direction
Over the affected line towards the failed train where no crossover is available at the signal box immediately beyond the failed train in the normal direction of travel
When must you not use working in wrong direction reg?
During a signalling equipment failure (block instrument) and you don’t have communication available with the boxes concerned
Head code for a OTM “train that cannot be relied upon to operate track circuits”
When must you class a normal running train as ‘train that cannot be relied upon to activate track circuits’
If a train loses 2 carriages worth of actuators from the front or the back
Where can you stop a train that cannot be relied upon to operate track circuits?
Only at a signal you can physically see from your box
PUBAG for arrangements before allowing a wrong direction move
Points are in correct position and locked by facing point locks where provided
Unworked points are secured
Barriers or gates at Controlled level crossings are closed to road traffic
AHBC crossings without wrong direction controls are locally monitored
Ground frame releases giving access to the route is ‘normal’ unless required for the movement
When can you change the points during a wrong direction move?
Only when you are sure the train is clear of the points or beyond the track circuit which is locking the points