t3 Possessions Flashcards
Where will the details of a T3 be published?
Unless in an emergency the T3 will be published in the WON or engineering notice or wired
When and why will possession limits be shortened or lengthened?
When details are published in the WON, engineering notice or in emergency situations authorised by ops control
This may be done to allow trains to run on certain routes to keep to time tables
What is a PICOP and ES and what colour arm bands do each have?
Person in charge of possession ROY - red on yellow
Engineering supervisor BOY - blue on yellow
What details must be confirmed with the PICOS?
The line for possession
The protecting signals
The signals that will be held at danger
Details of any points and crossings that may be used outside of the possession
Position of points within the possession
Arrangements at level crossings within the possession
Exact location of detenator protection (is it 400 metres)
Time the possession is to be taken
Contact details
Where PICOP is speaking from
Any other lines still open
WON/GZAC number
Location of WSMB if dets are closer than 400m
What checks must you do to arrange the T3?
The line is clear
Protecting signals and controlled signals within possession are at danger with reminders
SPRS protecting signals have been arranged to be placed to danger
Make sure all points are in the required position
All other routes that cross or lead to the possession are at danger with reminders
If any signals are controlled by another signaller you must come to a clear understanding that they will remain at danger and tell other signaller what the possession arrangements are
What must you record in the trb?
Which line is blocked
Limits of the possession
Signals you must keep at danger and routes you must keep closed to protect possession
Points you must operate to protect possession
Position that points within the possession must be placed in
Where detenator protection is being provided
Where and how far will detenators be placed?
400 metres beyond protecting signal and approach to limit signal
When can you arrange for detenators to be placed?
When you have placed your reminders on protecting signals and are sure the line is clear
You have read back the information of the T3 with the PICOP
PICOP will not provide detenators at a crossover, siding or loop where it joins the line under possession
What must you ensure if the standard distance for detenators is not available?
Must be placed as close as possible to the standard distance
PICOP must have signallers authority before allowing a train to approach detenators from inside the possession
You must record this in the trb
What must you get before you allow a train to approach the detenators within a possession?
PICOPs permission
How is an engineering train signalled into and out of A T3?
Entering will be passing signal at danger (never clear a protecting signal into a T3)
Passing the limit signal will be signalling normally
How will you signal a train into a T3 from an Intermediate point
Get permission from PICOP
ensure PICOP has someone positioned at the intermediate point to give driver instructions
Make sure you have not authorised conflicting movements
Tell the driver to stop at intermediate point and get instructions
Once PICOP has told you train has entered the possession you must return points to agreed position
What is the process for a train leaving a possession?
PICOP will ask your permission for a train to pass the detenators
You must personally authorise the driver to pass beyond protecting detenators out of the possession
Through points or crossings that are protecting the possession at an Intermediate point
You must make sure the line is clear and safe for the movement before you authorise it
If you can you must signal the train normally beyond the detenators
Once the train has left the possession you must restore the signal and any points used
PICOP will confirm detenators are back in place
What is the difference to the process if detenators are not the standard distance from signals?
PICOP must have your permission before allowing a movement towards detenators from inside the possession
You must only give permission for this when any previous movements have passed clear
After giving permission for the movement to be made you must not allow another train to pass over the points or crossings until the movement has passed clear of has been completed
What must you confirm with a PICOP when they are giving up a T3?
That the line is safe and clear for the passage of trains
Detenator protection has been removed
Any unworked points or train operated points have been unsecured
How do you confirm the possession has been given up after protection has been removed?
Once you have recorded the details in the trb and read back the details to the PICOP and they have agreed with the entry
What must you do with the first train running after a possession has been given up? (including an IBH signal)
Watch the track circuits to make sure they are working correctly
If there is an ibh signal you must not clear your section signal for a second train until you have received train out of section for the first train