Week 6 - sensory input Flashcards
Do we have 5 senses?
No more when defined by modality
What is bad about the definition of the 5 senses?
- nose+ mouth different chemicals
- ear and finger mechanical pressure (hand also temp, damage)
What are the signal modalities?
- mechanoreception
- thermoreception
- photoreception
- chemoreception
- nocieption
Pressure, body position, sound, acceleration, gravity (pacinian corpuscles, msucle spindles, hair cells in organs of corti, semicircular canals, utricle and saccule)
Temp (free nerve endings in skin and core temp sensors in hypothalamus)
Electomagnetic waves eg. Rod and cones
Specific materials/ molecules (eg. Olfactory receptors in your nose, gustatory receptors such as taste buds)
Cellular damage (eg. NK1 receptor for substance P )
What can we not sense?
Carbon monoxide, raditation - alpha, nuclear decay
What 2 receptors are there
A. Sensory neuron
B. Epithelial sensory receptor cell
Where are the most receptors in your hand?
How does the receptor work
- presure deforms capsule
- More permeable to spodium ion
Which type of receptors are the pacinian sorpuscles and muscle spindles
Example of mechanoreception
- pressure waves transmitted into fluid in vestibular duct
- waves vibrate in connective tissue fibres in tectorial membrane when they match resnoant freq of fibres, membrane bathed in area of high potassium, ion conc
Hair cells
- modified eptihelial cells
- cilia projected form apical side
- tallest cilium in each cell kinocilium and is linked to stereocilia
- when kinocilium is bent away from stereocilia, K+ channels open
- when bent toward stereocilia, channels close
Bend to right
Action potentail frequency increases
Bent to left
Feweer porduced
Acceleration and gravity
Internal ear location of ability to sense acceleration and gravity
-> kupila is bending hair cells (jelly like)
In what way is the utrile oriented?
3 dimentionally in x,y,z planes
Hair cells
Epithelial sensory receptor cell
4 types:
1. Stimulus modality
2. Stimulus intensity
3. Stimulus location
4. Stimulus duration
Why do you see stars when punched
So much pressure, opens up photo receptor to pass down optic nerve, brain sees it as light
Ssomatosensory cortex, certain parts correspond to certain touch
Souldnt be O in sens neuron 2 - just no change in action potential, if intesnity increases, recruiting more orgnas
Stimulus duration
- all receptors adapt
- tonic receptors adapt slowly
- phasic receptors adapt quickly