Week 6 : PersonHood Flashcards
Define it it’s true or false. Conceptual Connections. We need to care or individuals with impaired cognition by looking beyond the disease… The focus is not on what we need to “do for the person” but rather on the person himself or herself and how to enhance well-being and quality of life.
What is it describing ? A standing or status that is bestowed upon one human being others, in the context of relationship and social being. It implies recognition, trust and respect.
What is personhood?
A standing or status that is bestowed upon one human being others, in the context of relationship and social being. It implies recognition, trust, and respect.
True or false. If personhood is maintained, then the person will be in a relative state of wellness.
When is personhood challenged ?
when needs and rights are not considered, negative emotions are ignored or invalidated and when increasing isolation occurs.
Tom Kitwood’s Enriched Model of Dementia
Dementia = NI + H + B + P + SP
Neurological impairment
Social psychology
This is associated with dementia effects memory function, the ability to use and understand spoke and written language, the ability to carry our practical everyday tasks , the ability to perceive the world as others do, the ability to plan a course of action an to see things from other people’s viewpoints
neurological impairment
What is neurological impairment ?
affects functional ability, mobility, sensory perception, and mood and affect= oerall quality of life
What is biography under tom kit’s enriched model of dementia
what was their occupation , routines , etc?
What is personality under tom kit’s enriched model of dementia
is the older adult introverted, do they like being incontrol?
What is social psychology under tom kit’s enriched model of dementia ?
relationship, day to day interactions
Under the category of social psychology
Positive Person Work ( PPW) or Person Centered Care
Dementia = NI + H + B + P + SP
What is malignant social psychology?
What are the category ?
Go more in depth with these terms when talking about malignant social psychology
Intimidation - making an individual frightened
Withholding - refusing to give evident need for contact
Outpacing - presenting information at a rate too fast
Infantilization - treating an older adult as if she/he was a small child
As a nurse how would you provide care in a way that maintains an older adult’s personhood?
PCC ( person centered care)= V + I + P + S
what does VIPS means ?
values people with dementia
treats people as individuals
perspective of person with dementia
supportive social psychology
True or false. Person- centered care is said to be personhood in action
Shifting Perspectives model for chronic illness:
Illness in the foreground, what does that mean?
focus on the sickness, suffering loss, and burden
Shifting Perspectives Model of Chronic Illness:
Wellness in the foreground
focus is centred more on the person than on the disease and its consequences
True or false. The Nurses role in shifting perspective model for chronic illness is to assist the person reach their optima level of wellness ?
Shifting Perspective Model of Chronic care fosters what ?
personhood/person centred care
dementia care mapping is grounded in the theoretical ______
perspective of a person- centered approach
true or false. Person - centred care values all people regardless of age and health status, is individualized, emphasis the perspective of the person with dementia, and stresses the importance of relationships
What is the most feared aspect of ageing?