Week 4: Mood and Affect Flashcards
it is true that older adults are the least likely to use services for mental health
yes sadly…
true of false: 1 of 3 Canadian have a mental illness sometime in their life
what does mood mean?
this is defined as the way a person feels
what does affect mean?
defined as the observable response a person has to his or her own feelings
can mood and affect be associated with the risk of suicide?
please explain the scope of mood and affect.
low range of mood and affect: melancholy (flat affect), depression (medical diagnosis), corresponding decline in functional ability
Normal range: euthymia, optimal functional ability
Elevated range: mania(medical diagnosis) corresponding decline in functional ability
what is the definition of mental health?
WHO states “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”
true or false: this is a diagnosable mental illness: “characterized by a combination of abnormal thoughts, perceptions, emotions, behavior and relationship with others. Mental disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia and developmental disorders including autism”
please describe these terms describing mood:
Euthymia, melancholy, depression and mania
euthymia: normal and healthy fluctuations of mood (normal experiences of sadness)
Melancholy: undiagnosed mood state characterized by sadness, despair and decreased
functional ability
Depression: diagnosed mood state
Mania: diagnosed mood state: a euphoric or agitated affective state
what are some interacting components of affect during normal (Euthymic) Mood
Cognition, Mood and Energy
Cognition: Normal information processing (thoughts are occurring at a normal rate) stay within the euthymic range and curve upwards with low mood and energy and downward with mania
Mood: Generally follows the curve of energy
Energy: Generally follows the curve of mood
true of false: suicide in older adults tend to be less lethal than in younger adults
false; more lethal
true or false: Suicide rate for white “oldest” men is higher than the general population
big difference between mood and affect
mood - feeling inside, would not know until we ask
affect - something we can see
true or false: risk of suicide is an aspect of untreated mental health disorder
select all that are true:
- The impact of an event depends on the persons experience through their lifetime
- Most adults cope well with early life challenges
- Trauma in the life course impacts the way people experience life events and increases risk for mental health disorders (e.g. generational trauma of indigenous people)
true except second one; late
what are some psychosocial challenges the older adult faces?
ageist stereotypes
death of friends
chronic illness
grief associated with adjustment to each other
what are some risk factors: medications and alcohol
depression - adverse effect of some meds
- poly pharmacy increases risk for adverse meds affects including depression
-withdrawal of meds cause depressive symptoms
depression can lead to alcohol abuse
true of false: alcohol can cause depression - age related changes increase risk for the older client adult to experience the adverse effects of alcohol
what are some factors that impact the experience of mental health?
life course
sexual orientation
past trauma
true or false: contributing factors in later life are medical conditions and medications
main difference between melancholy and depression
melancholy - undiagnosed
depression: diagnosed
what is this an example of: “During those bad times, I didn’t get along with my family at all. I didn’t know if they felt I was not doing a good job, like maybe they weren’t sympathetic enough, but I think they just didn’t know how people can feel when these things happen to you…being retired, being sick….I didn’t get along with them for a long time. I had to, but I didn’t. Just like that. That was tough. “
what are some risk factors of depression for older adults
Four occurrences in the population:
Older adults who have had depression in their younger adulthood
Older adults who become depressed in later life
People with dementia
People with medical conditions
financial worries
genetic predispositions
social isolation/loneliness
what are some more sings of melancholy and depression within function
Functional Impairment
Decline in individual’s performance to perform functions they could do when not depressed (ADL’s, IADL’s and executive function)
persistent mood disturbance - longer than 2 weeks
disturbed vegetative function - somatic symptoms: fatigue, decreased energy, increased or decreased appetite, weight, sleep disturbances, and psychomotor agitation