What are the 3 key elements of on-site logistics
- thing - resources
- Place - Location
- Time - Scheduling
planning, assembling and delivering these three elements will mean the success or failure of the event.
key areas of importance for event logistics
- Supply: customer, product & facilities
- Transport: consider the logistical challenges given the geographical size of Australia and the fact that most of the population live on the east and southern cost.
- Linking: linking elements such as the event marketing with the flow of attendees
- flow control
- information networks
Discuss the difference between the terms ‘logistics’ and ‘operation’.
Logistics refers to managing people and things, and ensuring they are in the right place at the right time.
operations refers to ongoing, temporary processes that result in the execution of a project.
explain the critical elements of event logistics as describes by Allen et.al.2011.
The are many important elements of logistics which Allen describes. The three most important elements of event logistics is the supply of customers, the supply of products, and the supply of facilities. these then feed into event site logistics, such as communication needs and event flow, and then finally the event shutdown.
Discuss the role and importance of checklists in relation to event logistics.
Checklists are used to make sure all necessary operations are undertaken when needed whether that be before during or the after of the event. It is a tool to keep the manager on track of the things to be done and ensures you complete all necessary steps to get the event up and running.
Describe the importance of ‘flow control’ as a function of event logistics.
The main goal of any event is to satisfy the guests and in order to do this they must feel safe. Flow control allows them to be aware of their whereabouts including how to leave and get around. Access paths, security issues and the size of the event needs to be taken into consideration in order to allow for a safe evacuation if need be.
Define the role of ‘emergency services and procedures’ for events. List and discuss the relevant stakeholders involved.
Emergency procedures that need to be in place at all events are entry and exist signs, emergency exists, first aid stations, evacuation plan and directional signs. These all need to be in place throughout the event to allow for all attendees to be safe in case of an emergency arising.
Some stakeholders in this area are:
- the emergency services themselves e.g. fire, police, ambulance, etc.
- staff and volunteers as people assisting people to safety or aiding those who need emergency services.
- security.
Allen et. al. (2011) discusses ‘military logistics’ and they identify three main phases of this context. Discuss.
Military logistics is based on the shutdown of an event and can be divided into three phases: deployment, combat and redeployment.
- redeployment is based on completely moving all forces and equipment to an alternative location, however this taken time and effort. The more an event is run and shutdowns are practiced, this process can take less time.
- Deployment is the opposite, the bringing and set up of equipment and getting attendees into the event.
- Combat is the event itself, and handling issues or problems that arise during the event using the equipment and services at your disposal.
Describe the role of the event logistics manager.
The logistics managers role involves overseeing all elements of logistics and ensuring they run smoothly.
- acquire the necessary tools to have the event in operation
- organise the movement of people where necessary will be
- emergency procedures, media requirements, cleaning and event shutdown.
- communicate with each area leader with their requirements for the event to run
- supply of customers, products and facilities
Explain recent changes that have altered the way event logistics are planned and delivered.
- planned is crowd control and social distancing practices due to COVID-19.
- shift from physical to virtual or mixed events
- Event sustainability has become more and more importance.
What are five logistical elements that the following events have in common: Olympics, Football World Cup, Australian Open Tennis.
- planning: Ticketing for the event, having the right facilities and venue for these sporting events to be held, equipment needed
- Transport: allowing parking spaces, accessible by public transport
- information and control: having information desks and staff to help attendees around the venue.
- emergency procedures: allows attendees and participants to be safe at the event in case there is sudden emergency.
What do the following global events have that differentiates themselves logistically from each other? The Haj, World Expo, New Year Eve, New York Times Square.
The Hajj, New York Times Square, and New Years Eve are different from the World Expo as they are gerneally unticketed, though some New Years events can be ticketed.
a difference between Hajj and New Year Eve vs World Expo is the expected number of attendees. World Expo organisers can predict the number of attendees, whereas the number of attendees for the other two events can vary each year.
The Hajj is an anually recurring event that gets different amounts of people each year, which can prevent different logistical problems for organisers.