Week 6 - Musculoskeletal and Neuro Flashcards
Synovial joints
Freely movable, no direct contact between bones
- hip
- elbow
Cartilaginous joints
slightly moveable
- symbus pubus (pelvic joint)
- intervertebral joints
Fibrous joints
- sutures of the skull
Synovial joint capsules
Joints where the bones don’t actually touch
- spheroidal (hip, shoulder)
- hinge (hands, feet, elbow)
- Condylar (wrist, knee, TMJ)
one joint
2-4 joints
More than 4 joints
Condylar joints
Must move on coronal plane (half moon and cup) (anterior/posterior)
- wrist
- knee
Articular structures
- joint capsule
- articular cartilage
- synovium
- synovial fluid
- intraarticular ligaments
- juxta articular bone
Abnormal findings in articular structures
- swelling
- tenderness
- crepitus
- instability
- locking sensation
- deformity
- limited active/passive ROM
Nonarticular structures
- periarticular ligaments
- tendons
- bursae
- muscle
- fascia
- nonarticular bone
- nerves
- overlying skin
Abnormal findings in nonarticular structures
- point or focal tenderness of adjacent regions
- limited active ROM
- rarely causes swelling, instability and deformity
What acronym helps you assess joints?
I - inspect - look for signs of deformity, swelling, scars, inflammation, atrphy
P - palpation - feel bony joint and soft tissue structures or fluid collection
R - assess active and passive ROM
S - special maneuvers - test specific movements to assess joint stability
Acute pain
Less than 6 weeks
Chronic pain
Greater than 12 weeks
What should you consider with joint pain in those under 60?
- repetitive strain/overuse
- crystal induced arthritis
- RA
- Psoriatic arthritis
- reative arthritis
- infectious arthritis
What should you consider with joint pain in those over 60?
- OA
- gout and pseudogout
- polymyalgia rheumatica
- osteoporitic fracture
- septic bacterial arthritis
How is muscle strength rated?
0 - no contraction (flacid)
1 - barely detectable movement
2 - movement, not against gravity, not against resistance
3 - movement against gravity, not against resistance
4 - movement against gravity, some resistance
5 - full movement with full resistance
- age over 60
- wear and tear –> degenerative joint disease resulting from the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone affecting the major joints
- Heberden nodes
- Bouchard nodes
- wide base stance
- pain worse with activity
- intermittent stiffness/swelling that worsens over the course of the day
- look for crepitus over inflamed joints
Heberden nodules
in DIP (distal interphalangeal joint - close to fingernail) with buldging or inflammation of the joint
Bouchard nodes
In the PIP (proximal interphalangeal joint - closer to wrist) - joint enlargement