Week 6 : Growth vs Development Flashcards
Other aspects to human life other than GDP such as?
-Leisure Time
-Inequality: Economic, Gender and Ethnic Group
How has lifespan improved over time and what are limits of this data?
-doubled over last 500 years
- average disguises very high death rates during
childhood - Famines, Epidemics and Violence were much more frequent
than today
When was this increase in life expectancy for nobles and the rest?
1600 for nobles
1900 for the rest
Why did mortality decline?
-Economic Growth
-Public Health Measures
-Human Capital
-Germ Theory
Reasons for lower violence?
-The State
-literacy & media
-the scientific revolution
-Elias’s theories
How has violence changed over time?
- decline in all kinds of violence over time
What are Elias’s theories?
-Civilizing process
-history of manners
How is height used as a measure of wellbeing?
-Height= Genes + Nutrition - Disease
How has height changed over time?
How has leisure time changed relative to I.R?
-work less than I.R ,
-later start
-retire more years from death
-work lower proportion of our lives
What is a reason for this fall in working hours?
-Child legislation and education act, led to fall in working hours
-as children work during I.R
How are literacy rates compared to the past?
-Today around 100%
How did education institutions form in relation to literacy rates?
-Sequence of Schooling Acts
-But this came after a secular increase in literacy over many
What is HDI?
-Human Development Index
-combine GDP, education and health data
-composite measure of development
What can we infer from education institutions being established after a gradual increase over literacy over many centuries?
-institutions (such as schools and laws) often develop as a response to societal changes, rather than driving those changes