Week 2: When Growth Begins, Why England? Flashcards
What is the Industrious revolution?
Before the industrial revolution
-longer hours
-children and women work
-protestant work ethic
What was at the heart of the IR?
-interrelated succession of technological changes
-mechanical devices, the use inanimate power in pace of animal
and human energy
- In particular in textile production, and in mining and steel
How did technological progress relate to the IR?
-Improvement in getting and working of raw materials
metallurgy and chemical industries
-New forms of industrial organization: the factory system
Examples of technological changes in textiles ?
-a spinster -> spinning jenny
Reasons for industrial revolution?
-Human Capital
Issue with just using Human Capital as an explanation for IR?
-compulsory for schooling introduced in England in 1870s so no correlation
-Mokyr - ‘If England led the rest of the World in the Industrial Revolution, it was despite, not because of her formal education system’
Institutional change in Europe?
-The decline of Feudalism in Western Europe following the Black Death
-The gradual dilution of the Monarch’s power in England
Magna Carta 1215
English Civil war
Glorious Revolution 1688
All resulted in checks (through Parliament) on the Monarch’s
- The French Revolution
Allen’s theory?
- Britain had an early lead in wool textiles
- Success in gaining colonies enlarged the market for British
wares - The growth of London was thus stimulated (where goods were
exported from) - The availability of cheap coal allowed London to grow (there
was not enough wood in the country to allow London to grow
as it did) - This stimulated the demand for labor in English cities so that
English wages (and therefore living standards) were the highest
in the world - The growth of cities and the high wage economy stimulated
agriculture - High wages and cheap energy created a demand for
technology that substituted capital and energy for labor
Explain 1 (Britain had an early lead in wool textiles) of Allen Theory
-Black Death destroyed serfdom
- the population decline allowed the conversion of
mass amounts of land from arable to pasture
- Better fed sheep produced high quality long wool, suitable for
worsted, increasing the supply to the wool draperies
Explain 2 ( Success in gaining colonies enlarged the market for
British wares
) of Allen Theory
-colonization began in the 17th century, successful trade links established (unlike Spain & Portugal who relied on Bullion markets)
Explain 3 (The growth of London was thus stimulated
) of Allen Theory
-main export port for English wool
Explain 4 ( The availability of cheap coal allowed London to grow) of Allen theory
-cheaper than wood and energy was Cheap in England
Explain 5( This stimulated the demand for labor in English cities so
that English wages (and therefore living standards) were
the highest in the world) of Allen Theory
-London real wages were highest in the world
Explain 6 ( The growth of cities and the high wage economy
stimulated agriculture) of Allen Theory
-Labour productivity in agriculture rose
Explain 7 (High wages and cheap energy created a demand for
technology that substituted capital and energy for labour
) of Allen Theory
-self explanatory