Week 6 bird appearance Flashcards
Eastern Towhee
Male: Black head, neck, chest, and back
Female: Brown head, neck, chest, and back
rusty flanks
Chipping Sparrow
Reddish orange cap
black line through eye/bill
brown/black striped back
Call: tiny jackhammer
Song Sparrow
black stripes on white head/mustache
black spot on breast
Call: seet seet before rest of complex song
White throated sparrow
white throat
black/white striped cap
yellow at base of bill
call: “Old Sam Peabody Peabody”
Dark-eyed Junco
Gray top half
round head
pinkish bill
Scarlet tanager
Male: red with black wings
Female: yellow with dark wings
thick rounded bill
Northern Cardinal
male: Red with red bill and black mask
Female: red bill, brown with red accents
Indigo Bunting
Male: Brilliant blue all over
Juvenile: Some brown mottling
female: brown overall, thick bill
Red-winged Blackbird
Male: black with red wing patches
Female: salmon on face, crisply streaked underparts, dark brown overall
Eastern Meadowlark
Pale black/brown back
bright yellow belly/throat
black V on chest
Common Grackle
iridescent blue head
dark body
Brown-headed Cowbird
Male: brown head, black body
female: brownish gray overall
Baltimore Oriole
Black head, neck, and back
Black wings with white marks
orange underparts/shoulder
Yellow all over, gray wings and back
House Finch
Male: Red head diffused throughout body
female: plain brown body/head, short thick bill, streaked breast
American Goldfinch
yellow body, dark wings with white bars
Male: black forehead
Female: duller yellow with no black forehead
House Sparrow
Male: reddish brown back
- gray head with chestnut eye stripe
- dark bill
female: light line behind eye
- bill is gray on top