Birds week 2, appearance Flashcards
Great Blue Heron
Dull gray body, long neck/legs, dark crown with white strip
Great Egret
White body, long neck, yellow bill, black legs
Green Heron
Maroon neck, dark green body
short legs
Turkey Vulture
Adult: red featherless head, large black body, primaries and secondaries silver/gray
Juvenile: large black body, featherless black head
dark eye stripe
dark upper parts, white underparts
Female: has necklace
Bald Eagle
Adult: White head, yellow bill, dark body, white tail.
Immature: darker bill, dingy brown, brown head
Cooper’s Hawk
Adult: dark cap, dark body, long tail: feathers not same length, barred chest
Immature: streaked head, spotted chest
Red-tailed Hawk
Both: belted belly, commas under wings
Adult: dark upperparts with light V, red tail
Juvenile: barred tail, belly band/belt
American Kestrel
both: black mustache thing
male: blue and orange body, black triangles, black spotted underparts
female: barred upperparts, spotted underparts, orange and blue on top of head
brown back, gray cheek and neck
long yellow legs and toes
short tail
black mask
American Coot
Dark body, darker head
frontal shield
white bill with broad black ring
lobed toes
Sandhill Crane
gray body, red crown, white cheek
fluffy feathers on rump, long legs