Week 2 herps: frogs and toads Flashcards
eastern spadefoot
SN: Scaphiopus holbrookii
spades on hind legs
Family: Scaphiopodida
American toad
SN: Anaxyrus americanus
warty skin, 1/2 warts per spot
Family: Bufonidae
Fowler’s toad
SN: Anaxyrus fowleri
paratoid glads and crainial crest touch
white belly, one spot
3 or more warts per spot
Family: Bufonidae
Blanchard’s cricket frog
SN: Acris blanchardi
backwards triangle between eyes
Family: Hylidae
eastern gray tree frog
SN: Hyla versicolor
large toe pads
camo like pattern
bright colors under hind legs
Family: Hylidae
spring peeper
SN: Pseudacris crucifer
x-mark on back
Family: Hylidae
western chorus frog
SN: Pseudacris triseriata
3 stripes, head to back
small toe pads
Family: Hylidae
green frog
SN: Lithobates clamitans
dorsolateral ridges that end before groin
Family: Ranidae
American bullfrog
SN: Lithobates catesbeianus
no dorsal ridges
ridge from tympanam to shoulder
Family: Ranidae
nothern leopard frog
SN: Lithobates pipiens
dorsolateral ridge from eye to groin
dark spots with light border
Family: Ranidae
wood frog
SN: Lithobates sylvaticus
dark mask on face
dorsal ridges
Family: Ranidae
mink frog
SN: Lithobates septentrioralis
extreme mottled coloring
elongated leg spots
Family: Ranidae
Order: Caudata
all salamanders
SN: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
Family: Cryptobranchidae
wrinkled skin flaps
no external gills
big boy
lesser siren
SN: Siren intermedia
Family: Sirenidae
eel-like body
no back legs
external gills
Order: Caudata
Family: Ambystomatidae
Costal grooves
stout heads
protruding eyes
Jefferson salamander
SN: Ambystoma jeffersonianum
Family: Ambystomatidae
long toes
wedge snout
silver/blue specks on side
spotted salamander
SN: Ambystoma maculatum
Family: Ambystomatidae
black with 2 rows of yellow spots
marbled salamander
SN: Ambystoma opacum
Family: Ambystomatidae
white dorsal bands
stout body
black on sides and belly
eastern tiger salamander
SN: Ambystoma tigrinum
Family: Ambystomatidae
irregular yellow spots
spots on sides and belly
large lidded eyes
SN: Necturus maculosus
Family: Proteidae
all feet have 4 toes
external gills
all 4 legs
Order: Caudata
Family: Plethodontidae
nasolabial grooves
costal grooves
northern dusky salamander
SN: Desmognathus fuscus
Family: Plethodontidae
hind limbs stouter
keeled tail
mottled belly
southern two-lined salamander
SN: Eurycea cirrigera
Family: Plethodontidae
2 dark lines with light dorsal stripe in the middle
Cave salamander
SN: Eurycea lucifuga
Family: Plethodontidae
tail longer than body
orange with black dots
Eastern red-backed salamander
SN: Plethodon cinereus
Family: Plethodontidae
salt/peppered body
red or lead back
northern zigzag salamander
SN: Plethodon dorsalis
Family: Plethodontidae
mottled orange/red belly
zigzag dorsal stripe
eastern newt
SN: Notophthalmus viridescens
Family: Salamandridae
granular skin
small black spots
finned tail
Order: Crocodylia
4 chamber heart
dorsal/ventral armor
American crocodile
SN: Crocodylus acutus
Family: Crocodylidae
long, narrow snout
not all top and bottom teeth fit in mouth
American alligator
SN: Alligator mississippiensis
Family: Alligatoridae
broad, rounded snout
all lower teeth fit in mouth
Order: Testudines
all turtles
snapping turtle
SN: Chelydra serpentina
Family: Chelydridae
large head, hooked jaw, saw toothed tail
Order: Testudines
Family: Kinosternidae
barbels on chin/throat
hinged plastrons
mud/musk turtles
little fucked up guys
eastern mud turtle
SN: Kinosternon subrubrum
Family: Kinosternidae
2 transversal hinges
oval dome
triangular scute
eastern musk turtle
SN: Sternotherus odoratus
Family: Kinosternidae
1 transversal hinge
squarish pectoral scute
3 ridges on shell
Order: Tesudines
Family: Emydidae
aquatic or semi aquatic
painted turtle
SN: Chrysemys picta
Family: Emydidae
unkeel carapace
yellow and red stripes on neck
red bars on marginal scutes
spotted turtle
SN: Clemmys guttata
Family: Emydidae
yellow spots on back/head/legs
plastron is yellow with black on edges
Blanding’s turtle
SN: Emydoidea blandingii
Family: Emydidae
light spots on carapace to form streaks and bars
bright yellow throat/chin
northern map turtle
SN: Graptemys geographica
Family: Emydidae
yellow spot behind eye
map like markings
wavey lines on head
eastern box turtle
SN: Terrapene carolina
Family: Emydidae
high domed slightly keeled
plastron with broad hinge
4 toes on each hind foot
ornate box turtle
SN: Terrapene ornata
Family: Emydidae
high dome, no keel
ornate yellow lines raining down
down turned beak
red-eared slider
SN: Trachemys scripta
Family: Emydidae
red stripe behind eye
rear scutes slightly serrated
head, neck, legs with yellow stripes
eastern spiny softshell
SN: Apalone spinifora
Family: Trionychida
long snout
leathery skin
pancake boy
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
all snakes
Order: Squamata
Family: Colubridae
North American racer
SN: Coluber constrictor
Family: Colubridae
belly white/blue
dark around eyes
chin and throat white
gray ratsnake
SN: Pantherophis spiloides
Family: Colubridae
checkerboard belly
slightly keeled sides
plain, black, skinny
western foxsnake
SN: Pantherophis vulpinus
Family: Colubridae
yellow with dark blotches
smaller blotches on sides
smooth greensnake
SN: Opheodrys vernalis
Family: Colubridae
white/yellow ventral
green body
SN: Pituophis catenifer
Family: Colubridae
yellowish with dark blotches
darker at ends of snake
pointed snout
keeled scales
Order: Squamata
Family: Natricidae
keeled scales
northern water snake
SN: Nerodia sipedon
Family: Natricidae
30 brown bands
light spaces less than 2.5 scales
SN: Regina septemvittata
Family: Natricidae
yellow stripe on side
4 dark belly stripes
DeKay’s brownsnake
SN: Storeria dekay
Family: Natricidae
dark streak on head
2 rows of black spots
2 lines connecting dots
common gartersnake
SN: Thamnophis sirtalis
Family: Natricidae
light belly
3 stripes on back
spots beneath ventral scales
Order: Squamata
Family: Dipsadidae
large, grooved teeth
endemic to new world
ring-necked snake
SN: Diadophis punctatus
Family: Dipsadidae
collar around neck
red/yellow/orange belly
eastern hog-nosed snake
SN: Heterodon platirhinos
Family: Dipsadidae
upturned wedge snout
squarish blotches
Order: Squamata
Family: Viperidae
vipers, fangs, slit pupils
SN: Agkistrodon contortrix
Family: Viperidae
deep loreal pits between eye and nostril
hourglass like markings
SN: Agkistrodon piscivous
Family: Viperidae
dark, heavy body
timber rattlesnake
SN: Crotalus horridus
Family: Viperidae
rattle on tail
small scales on head
SN: Sistrurus catenatus
Family: Viperidae
rattle on tail
rows of large black spots on back
small spots on sides
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Lacertilia
all lizards
green anole
SN: Anolis carolinensis
Family: Dactyloidae
long wedge snout
no crest or femoral pores
green to brown
eastern collared lizard
SN: Crotaphytus collaris
Family: Crotophytidae
2 black stripes on neck
smooth small scales
femoral pores
back spots
Order: Squamata
Family: Phrynsomatidae
desert species
morphologically diverse
eastern fence lizard
SN: Sceloporus undulatus
Family: Phrynosomatidae
neck spines
blueish bellies
keeled dorsal scales
horned lizards
SN: Phrynosoma spp.
Family: Phrynosomatidae
spikes on head
flat body
sharp dorsal projections
gila monster
SN: Heloderma suspectum
Family: Helodermatidae
sausage tail
stout body
six-lined racerunner
SN: Aspidoscelis sexlineata
Family: Teiidae
slender body
6/7 light stripes
more/smaller scales on back than belly
Order: Squamata
Family: Scincidae
easily lost tail
common five-lined skink
SN: Plestiodon fasciatus
Family: Scincidae
young: five lines+blue tail
4 labial scales, 2 post labial scales
broad-headed skink
SN: Plestiodon laticeps
Family: Scincidae
large body
5 labial scales
no enlarged post labial scales
little brown skink
SN: Scincella lateralis
Family: Scincidae
golden brown to blackish
white belly
slender glass lizard
SN: Ophisaurus attenuatus
Family: Anguidae
Order: Anura
All frogs and toads
Order: Anura
Family: Bufonidae
toads but not spadefoot
Order: Anura
Family: Hylidae
expanded toe pads
tree frogs
Order: Anura
Family: Ranidae
water frogs