Week 6- Abdomen/Pelvis Grp 2 answers Flashcards
Describe and name the branches of the biliary tree.
The Right and Left Hepatic ducts come directly out of the right and left lobes of the liver to form the Common Hepatic Duct that joins with the Cystic Duct from the gallbladder to make the Common Bile Duct, which then joins with the Pancreatic Duct. Approximately 80% of the population will allow for pancreatic enzymes and bile to be dumped into the duodenum through the Ampulla of Vater, which enters the duodenum at the Sphincter of Oddi. In the other 20% of population the pancreatic duct enters into the duodenum at its own sphincter location, instead of coming together with the common bile duct.
Describe the anatomy of the female reproductive structures within the pelvis.
The female reproductive system produces sex hormones and protects and supports a growing embryo. There are several structures within the pelvis including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina.
**Ovaries: **Small almond shaped organs that sit on either side of the uterus. They produce eggs, and hormones like estrogen and progesterone. They are connected to the uterus by the fallopian tubes.
Fallopian tubes: Serve as pathway for eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tubes when sperm meets an egg.
**Uterus: **It consists of three main parts: the fundus (top portion), body (central part), and cervix (lower part). Fertilized egg implants and develops in the uterus
Cervix: connects the vagina and uterus, is a passageway for sperm and menstrual blood. The cervix dilates during childbirth for the passage of the baby.
Vagina:The vagina is a muscular tube that connects the cervix to external genitalia.Passageway for menstrual blood to leave the body and for sexual intercourse.
Discuss the flow of male reproductive materials from the testicles to the penile urethra meatus.
Sperm is produced in the testes, and it matures in epididymis. It then flows through the vas deferens to the inguinal canal, and up and over the bladder to join the seminal vesicles. Fluid from the seminal vesicels go through the ejacualtory ducts. Then it goes through the prostatic urethra, the membranous urethra, and through the penile urethra and out the meatus.
Discuss the arterial and venous supply to the liver and the venous return to the IVC.
Hepatic Artery
Arterial Supply
~20% of the blood supply is arterial blood from hepatic artery which comes from the abdominal aorta containing oxygen rich blood that is sent into the liver.
Hepatic Portal Vein
Venous Supply
~80% of the blood supply is venous blood from the portal vein which comes from the digestive tract and spleen containing nutrient rich blood that is sent into the liver
Inferior Vena Cava
Venous Return
-Venous blood reaches the IVC though the lumbar veins. The azygos and hemiazygos veins carry the deoxygenated blood and connect to the IVC.
Describe and name the arterial branches off the abdominal aorta to the internal and external iliac arteries
Identifying abdominal aorta artery branches inferior to the aortic hiatus from class lecture. The arteries are in order from superior to inferior.
1. **Celiac trunk **(singular artery)- The celiac vessel comes out of the abdominal aorta anteriorly. Just below the aortic hiatus and splits into three vessels
a.right hepatic artery
b.left- splenic artery
c.bles gastric artery
2. Superior Mesenteric artery (singular artery)- Is below the celiac trunk and also comes out of the abdominal aorta anteriorly. Supplies blood to the intestinal tract
3. R/L Renal artery(paired arteries)- Branches off the lateral surface of the abdominal aorta. Supplies blood to the kidneys, adrenal glands, and ureters.
4. Inferior Mesenteric artery
R/L common Iliac arteries(singular artery)- Vessel comes out from the left/anteriorly of the abdominal aorta, a few inches below the superior mesenteric artery.
5. The abdominal aorta bifurcates into Inferior Mesenteric artery
R/L common Iliac arteries- branches in a downward and lateral direction. supplies blood to the lower body
a. Each R/L common iliac artery will then have a branch off of
i.internal iliac arteries (paired arteries) both vessels come out anteriorly
ii.external iliac arteries (paired arteries) both vessels come out anteriorly