Week 6 Flashcards
You are looking after a long term patient who is 2 years old, and has lived in hospital since birth. Which of the above factors will be most influencing on this childs development?
- Genetics
- gender
- health
- intelligence
- personality
- environment
- parent child relationship
- nutrition
You are looking after a family whose 2 year old child is hospitalized. The 4 year old sibling is crying and says that it is his fault that the 2 year old is sick because he said that he hated him and wish he was never born. What stage is the 4 year old in and how can you explain to the 4 year old why the sibling is sick?
Pre operational thought (Piaget): explain to the four year old with pictures etc simply
Why they are sick and that it is no ones fault. It just happened.
You are caring for a family whose 6 month old baby is hospitalized. The mother is complaining that the child is only settled when sucking. Which stage is this child in, what can you suggest to the mother or what would your rationale be?
Oral stage (Freud): the child gets enjoyment from sucking so you could suggest chewing toys, teething ring etc.
You are caring for a family whose toddler has been admitted. The toddler is feeding himself very well but is making a big mess in the process. The mother takes the spoon off the child and continues to feed them saying that she doesn’t like mess. You then observe the toddler refusing to feed at the next meal time. Which stage is this toddler in. What can you discuss with the mother about this stage of development and what can you suggest to the mother?
Autonomy vs shame and doubt ( Erikson): the toddler is trying to gain independence
and is feeling frustrated. The child is now refusing to participate in feeding because they want to do it themselves. Suggest 2 spoons – one for the mother and one for the child, also suggest finger foods to minimalise mess, also reinforce the need for child to practice in order to master the skill.
You are caring for a family whose 4 months old is currently in hospital. They continually leave the cot side down and walk away whilst the baby is in the cot. Using your knowledge of gross motor development explain to the parents why this is not safe for the baby
Babies start to roll over at approximately 4 months of age. It is very important that
they are in a safe environment at all times because in this scenario they could fall onto the floor. Also explain that the head is heavy and difficult to control which can also lead to overbalancing and falls.
You are caring for a family whose 14 month old baby is in the hospital. The mother is distraught because her other 4 children walked by 12 months and her baby is still only crawling, she is convinced that the child must be disabled. What questions could you ask her about the childs walking development and what could you say to alleviate her fears?
Ask whether the child is crawling, pulling themselves to a standing position, walking along furniture, stands when held, stands alone. Also emphasise that children develop at their own pace and that if all other development is normal so far that there shouldn’t be too many concerns, explain cephalo-caudal development, also give normal age
for walking
You are caring for a family whose 3 month old is in hospital. The mother is concerned because the baby doesn’t seem to have any head control. After talking to the mother at length you discover that the child has never been placed on their tummy even whilst awake because the mother doesn’t want the baby to die from SIDS and “this happens when they are on their tummy”. What can you discuss with the mother about the development of head control and alleviate her fears?
Tummy time is very important so that the baby can strengthen neck, back and arm
Muscles. This should be practiced whilst awake and supervised. SIDS occurs whilst
The baby is asleep and this is why sleeping on their stomachs is not recommended
You are caring for a family whose 7 month old baby is in hospital. The mother places the child in the highchair but does not secure any of the straps or place the table in to place. The child continually leans forward and look like they are going to fall out of the chair. What can you discuss with the mother about sitting development and improving the safety of the situation?
At this age the baby is unable to sit without the support of their arms this is why they
are leaning forward, the head is very heavy which can lead to imbalance and falls.
The mother must use a safety harness at all times to secure the child. The child also will also accept the use of the restraints once they become older and more mobile if they have always been used.
You are caring for a family whose 10 month old child is in hospital. The older sibling is playing with small pieces of lego next to the baby. What information can you give to the mother about the babys fine motor development and the possible hazards of this situation?
At this age the baby is able to pick up small objects with a pincer grasp. Therefore the lego is likely to be picked up and will be a choking hazard.
You are looking after a family whose 2 year old is in hospital. The child eats well with a spoon but the mother is very concerned about the childs table manners because he still can’t use a fork and she can’t understand why. What can you discuss with the mother about the fine motor skill development of the child?
Children generally cant use a fork well until 3 years. The child is developing
appropriately because you would expect them to be able to feed themselves witha spoon at this stage. Encourage the use of finger foods, and de emphasize table manners at this age – will come with time and and increase in fine motor ability.
You are caring for a family whose 3 year old is in hospital. The parents are concerned because he “doesn’t talk much’. What can you ask the parents about the childs speech development and what can you discuss with the parents about what is appropriate speech development for this age?
Ask parents how many words the child uses, types of words, comprehension,
Use of sentences, number of languages spoken in the home, whether older siblings talk for the child or whether the parents preempt words. Explain that 3 word sentences, vocabulary of approx 1000 words is normal.Identifying body parts, expressing needs eg I want are all expected for this age.
You are looking after a single mother and her 9 month old baby. The mother is upset because the baby’s first word was dada The mother can not understand this as the father has never been around and expected mama to be the first word. What can you discuss with her about speech development?
Babies first sounds are dada or baba as these are the easiest to say. These are practice sounds at this stage. The child does not know that these are words until they are given positive feedback and recognise the link between sounds and people. The child won’t verbalise mam ma until approx 9-12 months.
You are looking after a family whose 3 year old is hospitalized. The child must stay in bed and is getting extremely bored and tries to get out of bed at every opportunity. What type of toys could you provide and what resources are available to you at this hospital which may help amuse the child.
Dolls house, train set, toy cars, dress ups, etc. Resources: Play leader, captain starlight, volunteers, clown doctors.
there are 7 principles of family centred care. What does this consist of?
- Family is constant in child’s life, HP fluctuate.
- family’s contribution in planning & delivery of care
- Educates & informs parents in a partnership model
- Promotes rooming in
- Encourages & facilitatesfamily-to-family support& networking
- recognition & respectdifferent methods of family coping
- recognition &honouring of cultural diversity, strengths, & individuality within & across all families
There are 5 developmental milestone, list them.
- Vision & Fine motor
- Hearing, speech, language
- Gross motor
- Social-emotional-play
- Cognitive
Why is assessing Growth & Development important?
- To assess for developmental delay
- Early intervention is best
how do we assess growth?
- Head Circumference
- Height percentile
- Weight percentile
How do we assess Development?
- PEDS = peds score form
- Ages & Stages Questionnaire
what is floppy baby syndrome?
When a baby has muscle tone that is too tight or rigid, the medical term for this condition is hypertonia. If a baby has hypertonia, it could be an indication of cerebral palsy (CP).