week 6 Flashcards
measures of central tendency
“MMM” mean, median, mode
normal distribution
based on repeated measures in a large sample of people
when variables are measured in a large sample of people the distribution takes on what kind of shape?
bell shape
nonnormally distributed data is
mean and mode are reported variables with a
skewed distribution
mean and standard deviation are reported with variables that have
bell shaped distribution
intra-rater reliability
includes only 1 therapist
inter-rater reliability
includes more than 1 therapist
null hypothesis
groups are considered to be equal
type I error
falsely conclude there is a statistically significant difference when there is actually no difference
type II error
falsely conclude that there is no statistically significant difference between groups when there is
nominal scales
variables are in categories no specific order
if there are only two categories then scale is
example: hospital admission - admitted or not admitted
ordinal scales
variables are in categories that are ordered
ranking typically ranges from most to least
ratio scales
variables are ordered precisely and continously
measured intervals on the scale are equal
ratio intervals do not have a meaningful zero
Interval scales
Measured precisely and share properties of equal intervals with ratio scales. These scales have a meaningful zero value.