Week 6 Flashcards
Is a legal or ethical relationship of confidence of trust between two or more parties
Fiduciary duty
Referable to a contract (consent form) which is so unfair/unjust to a party (client) that no reasonable or informed person (client) would agree to it
Unconscionable conduct
The ability to make an informed, reasoned and intentional choice from amongst alternative actions.
Person under the age of 18 years of age
Consent by a patient to a surgical or medical procedure after achieving an understanding of the relevant medical facts and the risks involved
Threat, violence, constraints, or overt actions used to coerce someone into doing something against there will or better judgement
Agreement as to opinion or a course of action
Occurs when a clinician (nurse/midwife) exceeds the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship and the resulting actions are not required or relevant to the relationship
Boundary crossing
Is a document by which a person makes provision for health care decisions on the event that, in the future. he/she becomes unable to make those decisions.
Advanced directive
To act otherwise than by their own free will or without adequate attention to the consequences
Undue influence
Occurs when a clinician (nurse/midwife) abuses their position of trust/power for their own gain
Boundary violation
Is working without integrity such that the behavior is dishonest, unreliable, biased, incompetent, or lacking diligence
Trust or faith in a person or thing
A choice by a clinician (nurse) no to disclose information to a client that they believe will be detrimental to client’s best interests
Therapeutic Privilege
A choice by a clinician (nurse) not to disclose information to a client that they believe will be detrimental to the client’s best interests
Therapeutic privilege
Refers to the limits between limits of the relationship between a clinician (nurse) and their client
Is a document by which a person makes provision for health care decisions in the event that, in the future, he/she becomes unable to make those decisions.
Advanced Directive