Week 6 Flashcards
the time before childbirth.
Abruptio placentae
a premature sudden separation of the placenta from the uterus prior to or during labor.
the delivery of one or more infants.
Ectopic pregnancy
a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus.
Labor and delivery
process of childbirth.
Complete placenta previa
occurs when the placenta entirely covers the cervical os.
the developing child from conception through the eighth week of pregnancy.
the developing child from the ninth week until birth.
Missed abortion
the fetus has died before the completion of 22 weeks of gestation, with the retention of the dead fetus or products of conception for up to 4 weeks after demise.
Legally induced abortion
termination of a pregnancy that is done by medical personnel working within the law.
Molar pregnancy
a blighted ovum in the uterus that develops into a mole or benign tumor.
Obstetrical care
medical care that occurs during pregnancy and childbirth.
Partial placenta previa
occurs when the placenta covers part of the cervical os.
the postpartum period beginning from birth until 6 weeks after birth.
the organ that sits above the cervix and houses a fetus until birth.