Week 5 VanNess- Introductory Stats Flashcards
what is the null hypothesis
prediction that the observed difference is due to chance alone and not due to a systematic cause
what is the alternate hypothesis
prediction that some observed difference is significant and due to some knowable cause
what is a type 1 error
false positive
what is a type 2 error
false negative
what does statistical testing test
likelihood of differences occuring by chance alone
what is the p-level
the predetermined probability researcher is willing to make a type 1 error
- indicates difference between 2 groups
what is the p-level also referred to as
the alpha level
what does p<0.05 mean
only 5% of the time, the difference will be observed due to chance alone
-95% confident that results were due to independent variables
what are the levels of measurement
- interval
what is nominal and give examples
label or category without rank
-ex: gender, hair color, living accommodation, religion
what is ordinal and give examples
label or category with some meaningful order or sequence
-ex: class ranking, socioeconomic status, likert scale (agree, disagree), level of agreement (yes or no)
what is interval and give example
scaled measure with an arbitrary zero point
- ex: temperature (F or C), IQ, SAT scores
what is ratio and give example
scaled measure with an absolute zero point
-ex: weight/height
-income earned in a week
- years of education
-number of children
what tests would you use for nominal date values in 2 independent groups, 2 dependent groups, 3+ independent groups, and 3+ dependent groups?
-2 independent groups - chi square
- 2 dependent groups- McNemar
- 3+ independent groups- Chi Square
- 3+ dependent groups - cohcran’s Q
what tests would you use for ordinal data values in 2 independent groups, 2 dependent groups, 3+ independent groups, and 3+ dependent groups?
-2 independent groups - Mann- Whitney
- 2 dependent groups- Wilcoxon Matched Pairs
- 3+ independent groups- Kruskal-Wallis
- 3+ dependent groups - Friedman’s Chi square
what tests would you use for interval/ratio data values in 2 independent groups, 2 dependent groups, 3+ independent groups, and 3+ dependent groups?
-2 independent groups - independent t-test
- 2 dependent groups- dependent t-test
- 3+ independent groups- ANOVA
- 3+ dependent groups - repeated measures of ANOVA
what do inferential stats not do
-prove cause and effect
-estimate clinical effectiveness
- estimate risk/benefit
what do inferential stats do
- estimate the probability of getting results due to chance
- suggest numerical differences
what does effect size describe
the magnitude of difference
what do you need to calculate effect size
mean and standard deviation for each group
what does standardized mean effect express
the mean difference between the 2 groups in standard deviation units (Cohen’s D)
what is the range of values for effect size
-3.0 to 3.0 like SD
what are the ranges for large, moderate and small effect size values
large- 0.8
moderate- 0.5
small- 0.2
what is relative risk
ratio of probability of the event occurring in the exposed group vs non-exposed group