Week 5 - Shen & Creepy-Crawlies Flashcards
What is Shen?
Reflects of the heart and thinking mind - Mental, emotional and spiritual being of a person
How we know if someone has good shen?
If a person has good Shen:
- The complexion is healthy
- The muscles are firm
- The face color is clear
- The eyes are lively (this is the clearest indicator of Shen) -The mind is clear
- The breathing is even
How do you use herbs for this?
- Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit
2. Anchor, Settle, and Calm the Sprit
Symptoms of Shen disturbance?
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Hysteria
- Mania
[[Less traditional, modern day manifestations]]
- Depression
- PTSD (fear, anxiety)
What is Suān Zǎo Rén (Zizyphi spinosae Semen)
Property: Sweet, Sour, Neutral
Channels: Heart, Liver, Spleen, Gallbladder
Functions: 1. Nourishes the Heart Yin, Augments the Liver Blood, Quiets the Spirit
2. Prevents abnormal sweating: astringes
This is one of the most popular herbs for the treatment of insomnia
What kinds of herbs Anchor, Settle, and Calm the Spirit ?
These herbs are mostly minerals and shells. Their heavy nature subdues the rising Yang and tranquilizes the mind.
Mineral substances can injure the Stomach Qi and cause digestive upset and loss of appetite. Use them cautiously with patients that have deficiency of the middle jiao.
What is Lóng Gŭ (Fossilia Ossis Mastodi)?
Property: Sweet, Astringent, and Neutral
Channels: Heart, Liver, Kidney
- Settles anxiety and calms spirit
- Calms the Liver and anchors and preserves the floating yang
- Prevents leakage of fluids
This herb is commonly used for treatment of anxiety, agitation, and insomnia
How do we describe the category: Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremor Herbs?
These herbs are used for the treatment of Interior Wind. This is most often caused by extreme heat, blood deficiency, as well as deficiency of Liver and Kidney, and excess Liver Yang
How does wind travel and appear through channels in the body?
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Tremors
- Spasms
- Convulsions
- Coma
What kind of insects and bugs are used for treating wind and wind tremors? What are their general properties?
- earthworm
- scorpion
- centipede
- silk worm
The general temperature of these substances is Cold The general channel for these substances is Liver
What is Dì Lóng (Pheretima)?
Property: Salty and Cold
Channels: Liver, Spleen, Urinary Bladder, Lung
- Drains heat, extinguish wind and stops spasms and convulsions. Also used to treat schizophrenia
- Calms wheezing
- Clears heat, promote urination
- Treats hypertension associated with Liver Yang patterns