Week 5-Sexual Behaviour Flashcards
Define sexual dimorphism
2 sexes in many species including humans
Define external sex
In humans, sex is usually defined
both medical and in lay terms
by the outward appearance of the
individual from birth (external genitalia).
Define internal sex
The internal reproductive organs
Define chromosomal sex
Genetic male (XY) or genetic female (XX)
How do males and females differ via primary sexual characteristics?
Externally visible at birth i.e. different genitals
- Vagina, labia
- Penis, scrotum
How do males and females differ via secondary sexual characteristics?
Becomes apparent during
puberty e.g.
- Body hair, development of
breasts and change in figure.
- Body hair (facial hair), deepening of voice
How else may males and females differ internally?
- Ovaries
- Fallopian tubes
- Uterus
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate
Define sexual behaviour
Behaviour associated with mate selection, courtship and intercourse
Define sexual identity
■ Does not always coincide with a person’s anatomical sex.
■ Transexualism – a person’s belief that he or she is trapped in the body of the other sex
Define sexually differentiated behaviour
Other behaviours that are regarded as ‘female-typical’ and ‘male-typical’ (e.g. parental
behaviour, aggressiveness, emotional intelligence, visuospatial skills and so on …)
How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
23 (46 in total) in almost all cells (22 pairs of autosomes, 1 pair of sex chromosomes)
What are the stages of human embryonic development?
-Intricate co-ordination of molecular, cellular and tissue level processes
-Cells divide, migrate and specialise
What occurs in sexual differentiation 1?
-At 6 weeks of conception, all embryos are physically identical (even if they’re XX or XY)
They all possess:
– Internal embryonic glands termed primordial gonads. Cortex could become medulla could become testes.
– Müllerian ducts which have the potential to develop into female internal organs.
– Wolffian ducts which have the potential to develop into male sexual organs
– No external primary sexual characteristics.
What occurs during sexual differentiation 2?
-Wolffian ducts (have the potential to develop into male sexual organs)
-Müllerian ducts (have the potential to develop into female
internal organs)
What occurs during the male early development pathway?
1.In the 7th week in males (XY) embryos, the Sry gene on the Y
chromosome triggers the synthesis of Sry protein
2.Sry protein stimulates the medulla of the primordial gonad to
develop into a testis.
3.In 3rd month of development, the embryonic testes produce two
-androgen Testosterone
-AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone/Mullerian
inhibiting substance)
State the function of the androgen testosterone
causes the male embryo to develop male internal and external genitalia (seminal vesicles, scrotum, penis etc.) from Wolffian system, other internal tissue, and germinal ridge. (Masculinising Effect)
State the function of the AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone/Mullerian inhibiting substance)
prevents the development of female internal genitalia from Müllerian system (these wither) & causes testes to descend
into scrotum. (Defeminising Effect)
What occurs during the female early development pathway?
1.Females are XX and without the Y chromosome they have no SRY gene=no Sry protein is produced.
2.Differentiation of internal ducts of female reproductive system is not under hormonal control. Just ABSENCE of testosterone.
3.The normal development of internal female genitalia from the
Müllerian ducts and other tissue (uterus, fallopian tubes, etc.)
“We are all genetically programmed to develop female bodies; genetic males develop male bodies only because their fundamentally female program of development is overruled” (Pinel & Barnes)