Week 5: Part 1: Ethical and Bioethical issues in nursing Flashcards
What is nursing ethics
a system of principles that govern that actions of the nurse in relation to patients, families, other health care providers, policymakers and society
____________ is interdisciplinary field within health care that has evolved with modern medicine to address questions that arise as science and technology produce new ways of knowing
Dilemmas for health professionals
Life and death Quality of life Alternative treatment issues Stem cell research Gene therapy Therapeutic and reproductive cloning In vitro fertilization; donor insemination Organ transplantation
_____________ a process by which people attempt to examine the values they hold and how those values function as a part of the whole
Values clarification
_____________: Tries to determine which actions will do the most good/least harm for all person involved in the dilemma.
An example of ___________ is All people on Medicare: reallocate funding from people with terminal disease to other people with a greater likelihood of longevity and quality of life
Outcomes do NOT justify means.
__________ A universal principle to consistently act in one way based on principles that are consistent, objective and right
Organ transplant: more than one even if lifestyle hasn’t changed. If that person is sickest, gets the organ
Allowing a patient to form their own judgments and actions as long as they do not infringe on the autonomous actions of others
Giving a patient pain medication after a fall is
_________ is to abstain from injuring others and to help others further their own well-being by removing harm; risks of harm must be weighed against possible benefits
__________ to abstain from injuring others
ex: marking the site of surgery before operating
Being honest when the patient has a medical problem such as cancer
To develop trust between providers and patients, truthful interaction and meaningful communication must occur
Being fair with the pulling nurses to another unit is considered _______
_________ being true to your word
*****keeping a promise
What are the steps to a “situation assessment”
Identify the ethical issues and problems
Identify and analyze available alternatives for action
Select one alternative
Justify the selection