the commercial use of neuroscience insights that companies can use to better understand consumer responses to different stimuli/ marketing communication efforts.
Consumer attention
ability to focus on a particular stimuli. Content that is informative, relevant, excitable or likable attracts attentions.
ability to recall or recognize information coming from the brain.
- sensory memory
- working memory
- long-term memory
short-lasting mental state due to changing brain activity. Help use to decide whether to approach or avoid something.
6 Basic emotions
- Anger
- Happiness
- Fear
- Sadness
- Disgust
- Surprise
conscious, hedonic experience
unconscious motivation
Physiological measure; Eye-tracking
measure attention and involvement with the stimuli based on gaze-tracking
3 parts of the triune brain
- Neocortex; cognitive response
- Limbric; emotional response
- Reptilian; automatic response
4 parts of the cortex/ surface of the brain
- frontal lobe; top-down attention
- temporal lobe; visual memory
- accipital lobe; bottom-up attention
- parietal lobe; spatial processing
3 parts of the deeper parts of the brain
- hippocampus; memory, learning, emotion
- amygdala lobe; emotions
- basal ganglia; wanting
What measures FMRI?
blood oxgenation level
up and downsides of FMRI?
- high spatial resolution (where)
- surface and deeper parts
- cognitive and affective response
- low temporal resolution (when)
What measures EEG?
electrical activity
up and downsides of EEG?
- high temporal resolution (when)
- less expensive
- low spatial resolution (where)
- not for deeper parts of the brain
- not for emotional response.