Week 5 - Complications Flashcards
What are some indications for CL wear? 5
-Medically Necessary Contact Lenses
-Professional reasons
-Young children with high Rx.
-Severe dry eyes
Contact lenses are the preferred way to correct RX with over 3D difference or + in one eye and - in the other. Why?
as it has minimal impact on image size
What are some contraindications to CL wear? 3
-Non compliant patients
-Recurrent infections
-Professional reasons (fume workers)
What is over-refraction?
technique used to show effectiveness of the cls and fine tune the prescription
How do we correct Unanticipated lacrimal lens
formations? 2
Change the fit or Rx
How do we correct lens rotation?
Change the Rx (axis)
How do we correct changes in refractive error?
Change the Rx (i.e refer to optometrist)
How do we correct lens warpage?
Dispense new lens and retrain
How do we correct lens flexure?
Remake lens with thicker CT
How can we detect Lens flexure?
by checking the K’s when patient is wearing the lens.
What two conditions can indict that there is lens flexure?
-unexpected cylinder
-the lens is warped
The patient comes in with Bilateral SPK or mild irritation at a 1 month follow up.
What could have caused this issue? 2
deposits on the lens
solution sensitivity
If you notice a px has Bilateral SPK or mild irritation what should do? 2
-discontinue lens wear for 2 days
-then switch to a different MPS or Clear Care.
If a px has Bilateral SPK or mild irritation and wears RGP lenses what should we do?
likely to be using Boston Simplus so have patient rinse the lens with saline prior to insertion.
If a px is having Difficulties removing lenses what could be causing it?
px could be showering in lenses which causing tightening of lens (remind not to shower)
If a px is having Difficulties removing lenses what can we reccommend?
Instill Artificial tears and closed eyes for 1 min prior to removing
If a px is experiencing discomfort in the afternoon from cl what should we do? 2
- switch to clear care/ prescribe artifical tears
-instill drops prophylactic to help (before its too dry)
What is the likely cause of eye discomfort in the afternoon?
dry eyes
If a patient has used clear care directly on the eye or without waiting for the lens to neutralize what should we reccommend? 3
- Rinse eye with Saline, preferably preservative free.
- Instill preservative free artificial tears every hour until better
-refer if doesnt get better or too severe
If a px presents with solution sensitvity, what can we do? 2
-use saline solution with MPS/hydrogen peroxide solutions
-thicker eye drops
Why does a new rigid lens wearers present with partial blinks or a narrowing of their palpebral aperture?
it is an attempt to decrease lid
Why does a new rigid cl wearer aquire induced true acquired
non-senile blepharoptosis (dropping of upper eye lid)? 2
-mechanical manipulation of the
-mild contact-lens-induced lid inflammation
If a px develops Protein deposit formation on the lens, what can we suggest? 3
-lens replacement frequency needs to be
-have the lens polished
-use protein removing agents such
as Progent or One Step
If the rigid lenses are non-wetting (detected on slit lamp) what might the patient experience or report ? 3
-hazy vision
-the frequent need for lens removal and