Week 1 - Eye conditions & Cls Fitting Flashcards
The ……………..is a partially missing Iris
Iris Coloboma
……………… is generalized non-specific staining
Superficial Punctate Keratitis (SPK)
…………is is a small, localized area of structural thinning.
………….also know as Surfer’s Eye, is vascularize growth that starts as pinguecula
This condition………..looks like branches and appears following fluroescein staining with the slit lamp.
Dendritic Ulcer
…………..is a parasite that invades the eye.
……………… is where there is blood in the anterior chamber
……….is minor trauma to the ocular surface.
Corneal Abrasion
Cloudy or swollen cornea from water retention is called a ……………….
Corneal Edema
…………….is asymptomatic ingrowth of blood vessels in the cornea.
Corneal Vascularization
Greater than normal variation in size of the corneal endothelial cells is called ………….
A ……………. is an erosion or open sore on the cornea
Corneal Ulcer
………………… is when corneal thickening and endothelial cell size increase due to endothelium degeneration
Corneal Guttata (Endothelial Guttata)
What is the conditions? Dandruff on the eyelashes along with inflammation and red, swollen eyelids
…………….is inflammation of the upper tarsal plate and large papules on the undersurface of the eyelid
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC)
……………is when the eyelid turns outward
………….. is when the eyelid turns inward.
…………….is a small swelling or lump in the eyelid but is different from a stye because it is not painful and it is further from the lid margin that a stye would be
The causes of SPK include viral conjunctivitis, blepharitis, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca and …………..
solution sensitivity
Corneal Abrasion can be caused by ……………….
improper insertion or removal of contact lens
Sleeping in contact lenses can lead to a lack of oxygen in the cornea causing …………….
corneal edema
Blunt force trauma or abnormal vessel growth can both cause ………………
Blepharitis can be caused by allergy, poor hygiene and ……………….
disruption of the tear film from dry eye
Blanching is caused when the ……………..
edge of the lens fits too closely to the eye
……………… can be caused by over-wearing contact lenses or by sleeping in them which leads to annoxia or hypoxia.
corneal vascularization
Aging, contact lens wear, ocular surgery, trauma and damage can lead to a variation in the size of corneal endothelial cells known as …………………..
Dellen can be caused by corneal dryness and the ………….
GP rubbing on the limbus
UV damage, dust, and wind can cause ……………
………….. can form because of infection, or pathological condition
Dendritic Ulcer is caused by the ……………..
Herpes simplex virus
The leading cause of a corneal ulcer is ……………… although there are many causes for the open sore on the cornea.
Age, hypoxia, and genetics can lead to …………..
corneal guttata
GPC can be caused by overwearing or sleeping with contact lenses, poor hygeine, tight fitting lenses, and ………………
allergy to protein buildup on the lens
……………. and ……………… can be caused by atrophy of the lid muscles from aging, scarring, or trauma.
What is the most common type of eye tumor?
iris melanoma
When do we refer the patient on the efron grading scale?
2.5 or more