week 5- cerebellum Flashcards
link the deep nuclei with their function
Dentate-planning/timing/skill - lateral hemisphere
Globose & Emboliform-posture/ muscle tone/ walking- paravermis
Fastigial-eye movement & balance- vermis
what is the function of the granule cells
Excitatory: GLU
cell body in the granule layer
Input from: mossy fibers
Input to: purkinje cell dendrites via parralel fibers
what is the function of pyramidal cells
Inhibitory: GABA
Cell body in the purkinje layer, dendrites in the cerebellar cortex, axons go to deep nuclei
Input from: granule cells & climbing fibers
Input to: deep nuclei
what are the climbing and mossy fibers
Climbing fibers : Axons from ION of medulla To purkinje cells. they are excitatory
Mossy fibers: Axons from all other brainstem nuclei
To granule cells
what is the functin of golgi and basket cells
GOLGI: excitatory synaptic inputs from mossy fibers and parallel fibers, and their axons make inhibitory synapses with granule cells
name the inputs into the cerebellum
input through the middle and inferior peduncle
what are the output paths from the cerebellum
output through the superior and the inferior peduncle
what does the ION allow
important inadaptation of motor output to changing situation) via climbing fibers.
what are the excitatory and inhibitory cells in the cerebellum
granule cells, mossy fibers, climbing fibers
purkinje cells, golgi cells, basket cells
what is the function of the
lateral hemisphere
vermis- balance (important to gait)
paravermis- limb coordination
lateral hemisphere- planning and exucuding of coordinate movements
what lobe contains the tonsils
posterior lobe
*tonsillar herniation just above the foramen magnum –> compression of medulla –> dec respiration.
LP in this PT = death
what is the function of the flocculonodular lobe
what is in the Vestibulocerebellum and what is it responsible for
Contains: flocculonodular lobes(vestibular nuclei) + posterior vermis (fastigial nucleus)
Function: control of eye movements, including VOR + balance and equilibrium
Damage: problems with eye movements (smooth pursuit) + balance difficulty
what is in the Spinocerebellum and what is it responsible for
Contains: anterior lobe+ anterior vermis (fastigial nucleus) + paravermian cortex (globose & emboliform nuclei)
Function: Control of axial musculature(posture/muscle tone) + coordination of movement of trunk and limbs (walking)
Damage: gait atazia, wide stance
what is in the Cerebrocerebellum/pontocerebellum and what is it responsible for
Contains: Lateral hemispheres (lateral portion of posterior lobe– dentate nucleus)
Function: planning phases and timing of fine, skilled, cortically initiated movements