WEEK 5 Flashcards
association cortex
takes info from the primary and secondary sensory and motor cortexes, as well as the brain stem and thalamus. it sends info to the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and hippocampus, and info also flows between the association cortexes.
top down effect of perception
the association cortex integrates sensory and motor info to produce a meaningful perception of the world around, as well as allowing for abstract representation and flexible behavior.
3 subdivisions of the association cortex
1) posterior/parietal: important for attention and the convergence of sensory info
2) limbic/temporal: important for long term memories and emotional responses
3) anterior/frontal: important for planning, decision making, and working memory. particularly important for mental health, as the PFC is involved in many disorders.
executive functions
higher order cognitive processes that allow flexible behavior: generating, planning, monitoring, switching, inhibiting. these are important when faced with novel situations or challenges.
Wisconsin card sort test
- tests cognitive reasoning and set-shifting
- classify cards according to: color of its symbols, shape of its symbols, number of shapes on each card.
- the only feedback you get is if you’re doing it correctly or not.
- suddenly a rule will change. you are prone to making more mistakes. the task measures how well you adapt to the rule change.
tower of Hanoi test
- tests cognitive ability and ability to plan
- you have 3 pegs and a number of discs stacked on one of the pegs in order of size. your task is to transfer the whole tower onto a different peg, disc by disc in order of size, but you cannot place a bigger disc on a smaller one - so you have to plan ahead.
stroop task
- tests inhibitory control
- you are presented with a number of colored shapes and are asked to name the colors as fast as you can from left to right.
- you are then given a similar list but this time you’re presented with colored words. however, the words read different colors than they actually are - which makes the task so much harder. it takes effort to suppress the meaning that reading generates.
n-back task
- tests attention and working memory
- you are asked to look at a sequence of objects. in the 2-back test, you are asked to respond when you see an object repeated after sequence of 2 images have been displayed. in the 3-back test, you have to wait until you see the same image after a sequence of 3 images has been displayed.
- the test gets harder as you have to hold longer intervals in mind (working memory)
Hampshire et al. (2016): activation in frontal regions and practice
frontal regions are activated when learning novel tasks, but their activity decreases once a skill is developed.
FINDING: activation in frontal regions decreases across the blocks of an inhibition task as volunteers become more practiced at the test.
CONCLUSION: frontal regions are essential to respond flexibly to our environment.
disorder and executive function
- ASD (especially poor performance in planning tasks like the tower of Hanoi and set-shifting tasks like the Wisconsin card task). preference for repetition reflects impairment of frontal functions necessary for adaptive response to change and novelty
- schizophrenia
- BD
Frith-happe triangles
fMRI in healthy controls show activation of medial PFC and temporal poles and sulcus while doing the task. in ASD, brain activity is completely different while doing the task, even when they can answer it correctly.
Loth et al. (2010): reduced top-down in ASD
people with ASD don’t show strong top-down effects, especially when looking at faces versus other objects.
basal ganglia nuclei
1) striatum: caudate + putamen + ventrical striatum + nucleus acumbens
2) globus pallidus (GP): internal and external domains, GPi and GPI
3) sub thalamic nucleus (STN)
4) substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr)
BG: 3 reentry loops
1) sensorimotor
2) associative
3) ventral
different cortical areas and connections among the BG are involved
movement modulation
the output nuclei (GPi/SNr) maintain a high level of discharge (high ATP activity). because they have inhibitory connections to the thalamus, this high tonic activity suppresses it, keeping the thalamus quiet, meaning no excitatory activity on the cortex: no movement.
movement occurs through disinhibition of the thalamocortical target regions: you would need an impaired activity of the output nuclei, which in turn disinhibits the thalamus which will cause excitatory activity towards the cortex. the normal tonic activity of the output nuclei is interrupted, which means that during this gap, the normally inhibitory activity to the thalamus is interrupted. because the thalamus has excitatory activity to the cortex, you see cortical activity in the gap: movement occurs.