WEEK 1 Flashcards
levels of neurodevelopment
1) the systems level: looking at the changes in size and shape in the development of the NS - “MORPHOGENESIS”
2) the cellular level: differentiation from progenitors into mature neurons
neural induction
a portion of the ectoderm or germ layer (the neural plate) is induced to become neural tissue under signals of the mesoderm. this forms the nervous system.
as the ectoderm becomes neural tissue, it also undergoes morphogenic changes in shape.
morphogenesis at the tailbud stage
at the tailbud stage, cranial, cordial, and lateral folding occur. These give the body a comma shape, enclose the organs in ectoderm (skin), and we start to see a head, tail, somite blocks and branchial arches (jaw and neck) + limb buds later on in development. so the major structures of the developing embryo appear by 4-5 weeks.
subdivision of the forebrain which gives rise to most of the cerebral hemispheres via an extensive folding process during neurodevelopment.
subdivision of the forebrain which gives rise to important collections of neurons such as the thalamus.
cells progress from a multipotent population to cells of particular specialized identities or fate. we can think of cell differentiation as a decision tree, which will eventually lead to cells assuming one of a number of fates.
Waddington (on differentiation)
represented differentiation as a ball rolling down a hill, the epigenetic landscape, and then rolling into one of a number of channels. which channels it ends up in is not random, it depends on interactions which instruct cells on their next developmental step. ex: neural induction of the neural plate.
aspects of neural differentiation
1) the appearance or morphology of individual cells. ex: purkinje cells have elaborate spines, whereas pyramidal cells do not
2) the gene expression profile
3) neurotransmitter type
4) axon projections and connectivity to other neurons in the NS.
developmental steps that lead to differentiation
1) neurogenesis: cell division generates neurons
2) cell migration: young neurons migrate out of the ventricular zone
3) axogenesis: young neurons develop axons that grow out towards targets
4) synaptogenesis: axons make contact with their target neurons and other structures
5) cell death/pruning: regression events leading to the formation of mature neurons
radial glial cells and the neural tube during neurogenesis
radial glial cells are the progenitor cells of the NS. they undergo cell divisions to expand the progenitor cell population.
once a neuron is generated, it will migrate along the radial glial cells, using them as a guide towards the mantle zone where further differentiation occurs (axon extension).
three types of neuronal migration
1) radial migration (spinal)
2) tangential migration
3) neural crest cells
radial migration
in the forebrain, cells which migrate radially along radial glia give rise to neurons with long axons which project to other regions of the NS and which use glutamate. these are “excitatory projection neurons”.
tangential migration
in the forebrain, cells which migrate orthogonal to the radial axis, and intermingle with the neurons that have undergone radial migration. tangential cells give rise to neurons with short axons which use GABA. these are “inhibitory interneurons”.
neural crest cells
cells that split off from the ectoderm while neurulation is underway, migrating away from the forming neural tube to form elements of the PNS (basal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia, cranial ganglia).
stages of axogenesis
1) neurons are round blobs
2) neurons look radially symmetrical with several neurites
3) one of the neurites becomes elected as an axon in a process of symmetry breaking
4) the axons grows and dendrites start to form out of the cell body
5) the dendritic tree becomes more elaborate, with dendritic spines forming
types of axon connections
1) axodendritic
2) axosomatic
3) axoaxonic
neuroligins, neurexins and synaptogenesis
neurologins and neurexins are families of proteins that are expressed by postsynaptic and presynaptic neurons. they bind the pre and post synaptic parts of the synapse together, and recruit specialized groups of proteins to form the synapse.
cell death and pruning
cell death: either the elimination of whole cells or parts of cells, axons, synapses, or dendrites. around 50% of motor neurons die later on in development.
pruning: from 4 to 6 years, synapse pruning and consolidation takes place and a decrease in the complexity of the brain occurs. pruning can also occur to axons and dendrites.
cell death and pruning: functions
1) eliminate unwanted or aberrant neurons or connections
2) match numbers of pre and post synaptic cells
3) ensure that synaptic transition and circuit function are optimized
neurodevelopmental disorders
- schizophrenia
- childhood onset epilepsy
- x-linked mental retardation
caused by gene mutations that affect dendrite and synapse development, axon growth, guidance, neuronal migration, synapse formation, and function.
synaptogenesis and ASD
mutations in the Neuroligin 4 gene are linked to ASD. Nlgn4 knockout mice show that markers of inhibitory synapses are reduced in some areas of the hippocampus + social interaction and communication impairments, as well as repetitive behaviors or interests.
dendritic spines and schizophrenia
individuals with schizophrenia show reduced dendritic spines in the dorsolateral PFC. this reflects defects either in the process of dendritic development and/or pruning.
the ability of different cells to send their inputs to a single target cell - so the single cell is receiving input from multiple sources. the average neuron in the brain receives 10k inputs from 10k synapses.
the ability of a single cell to project to multiple cells. there are up to 1k different axon terminals from one single neuron.
functional division of the NS
1) CNS: brain + spinal cord
2) PNS: autonomic (unaware) NS and somatic (aware) NS.
- this view has limitations tho
autonomic NS
1) parasympathetic component (“rest and digest”, tho there are limitations to that)
2) sympathetic component (“fight or flight”, still, limitations)
ex: parasympathetic constricts the pupil in bright light. sympathetic dilates the pupil in darkness.