WEEK 2 Flashcards
studies in the neurobiology of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders have focused on the role of neurons, seen as the only determinants of behavior. there is now a shift to looking at glial cells as fundamental players in determining brain function, behavior, and mental health.
silver impregnation
method to visualize astrocytes, developed by Golgi in 1873.
Hann et al. 2013: do astrocytes influence behavior?
transplanted human glial progenitor cells in immunosuppressed mice. these progenitors gave rise to astrocytes with typical features of human ones.
FINDINGS: mice with human astrocytes performed better in cognitive tests and displayed improved LTP of synapses (plays a role in learning and memory).
CONCLUSION: astrocytes may be responsible for human cognitive abilities and can influence behavior.
two ways that astrocytes influence behavior
1) directly: ability to release neurotransmitters (gliotransmission) and ability to form astrocytic networks
2) indirectly: involved in neuronal development and maintenance of a stable cellular environment - homeostatic role
tripartite synapse
synapse composed of 3 elements: 2 neuronal elements (pre and post synaptic terminals belonging to two separate neurons) and an astrocytic process between them.
neurons release neurotransmitters and astrocytes respond to these neurotransmitters with elevations of calcium. then, in turn, they control neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission through calcium dependent release of gliotransmitters.
possible role in memory and sleep regulation. !!
- glutamate
- adenosine
- d-serine
Hann et al. 2012: astrocytes and memory
- impairment of spatial working memory in mice that lacked type 1 cannabinoid receptors on glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons. they also found impairment of LTD at hippocampal synapses in the glutamatergic and GABAergic neuron condition.
- preservation of spatial working memory in mice that lacked CB1R on astrocytes. preservation of hippocampal LTD as well.
CONCLUSION: astrocytes play an active role in cognition and a role in its impairment in pathological state.
astrocytes and sleep regulation
adenosine (sleep chemical) is released by astrocytes, and they play a role in regulating sleep homeostasis. astrocytes release ATP, which is converted to adenosine extracellularly. astrocytes can release gliotransmitters via exocytosis through the formation of a complex which is dependent on the SNARE protein.
in studies modifying mice so that the SNARE dependent release of gliotransmitters is abolished, both tonic and activity dependent extracellular accumulation of adenosine were prevented.
CONCLUSION: gliotransmission plays a role in the control of sleep.
gap junctions
astrocytes can be directly coupled with neighboring astrocytes via gap junctions, which form aqueous channels between cells. these gap junctions allow the passage of ions and small molecules, therefore they allow direct intracellular communication. they are formed by 2 proteins: connexin 30 and connexin 43.
gap junctions also display selective permeability, which is age-specific and region-specific.
calcium waves
coupling astrocytes in networks is the way in which this type of organization allows for calcium rises, generating calcium waves. spreading calcium waves may cause gliotransmitter release at remote synapses form the astrocytes that were initially activated.
astrocytic networks and neuronal activity
2 kinds:
1) just an astrocyte and a synapse: neurotransmitters are released by the pre-synaptic neuron. these neurotransmitters act on receptors and transporters in the astrocyte. these will lead to the release of gliotransmitters, which in turn can influence neuronal activity.
2) glutamate that has been taken up by a neighboring astrocyte, and also glutamine, can diffuse and permeate through gap junctions of astrocytic networks. this trafficking may result in the subsequent release of gliotransmitters at the remote synapse or even at the extrasynaptic sites, affecting the activity of the underlying neuronal network.
astrocytic networks: functions
1) regulate the generation of a rhythmic firing pattern in neurons - necessary for vital functions such as respiration and mastication.
2) function as a master hub, integrating the result of distributed processing from several brain areas and supporting conscious states.
Pereira & Furlan (2010): astrocytic networks
proposed that astrocytic networks are essential for voluntary behavior. automatic behavior can only be executed by neuronal networks.
dysfunction of astrocytic networks could therefore lead to cognitive impairment.
it is not clear however if changes to the astrocytic network are a cause or a consequence of neuronal dysfunction!!
why do we know so little about the potential role of astrocytes in psych disorder?
1) alterations may be subtle
2) people do not usually die of psych disorders
3) at the time of death, past history of disorder may be ignored
4) other illnesses may mask changes caused by the disorder
5) alterations caused by pharmacotherapy may be indistinguishable from changes caused by the disorder itself
main lines of evidence
1) human studies: post-mortem
2) animal studies: use of genetically modified animals
3) in-vitro studies: astrocyte cultures, brain slices
depression: hypotheses of underlying factors
1) the monoamine hypothesis: leading theory that posits that depression is the result of under activity of monoamine neurotransmitters, especially serotonin.
2) dysfunction of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA axis), a system involved in the response to stress.
3) circadian rhythm abnormalities play a critical role in mood disorders.
4) neurodegenerative inflammatory alterations may contribute to especially late onset depression.
5) astrocytic atrophy?
chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) in animals: astrocyte/depression study
animals were subjected for 35 days to the same sequence of 12 stressors, 2 per day. the authors measured the level of mRNA for a marker of astrocytes, GFAP.
FINDINGS: significant decrease in the level of GFAP mRNA in animals exposed to chronic stress. this effect was reversed by injecting the animal with a glutamate modulating drug, riluzole.
sucrose preference test
used to measure anhedonia in mice. mice show a preference to sweet foods and solutions, even above water. reduced sucrose preference in a test where they are given the option of a sweet drink or water bottle represents anhedonia. a chronic antidepressant can reverse this reduced preference.
CUS and anhedonia in rodents
day 15 of exposure to stress, rodents showed a significant decrease in sucrose preference (controls 3x more likely to drink from the sucrose bottle). this was even more significant for the rodents exposed to 35 days of stress. chronic riluzole treatment reversed this, in parallel with decreasing glial pathology.
riluzole and pathophysiology of MDD
riluzole boosts glutamate uptake by astrocytes and glutamate production by astrocytes. patients with MDD and CUS rodents show low cortical levels of GABA. GABA synthesis in neurons requires glutamine, which is produced by astrocytes. SAUR the disregulation of astrocytic support of GABAergic transmission contributes to MDD pathophysiology.
Torres-Platas et al.: decreased GFAP expression in depression suicides
measured levels of the astrocytic-specific marker GFAP in various brain areas of post-mortem material obtained from depressed suicides.
FINDINGS: in mood uninvolved areas, like the PVC and cerebellum, GFAP mRNA and protein levels were the same as controls. however, in mood involved areas, like the mediodorsal thalamus and caudate nucleus, both mRNA and protein levels were downregulated in depressed suicide individuals.
fluoxetine and astrocytes
prozac works via serotonin uptake. however, it also can act on astrocytes.
study: astrocytes treated with prozac produced trophic factors. this effect is independent of serotonin: astrocytes treated with serotonin did not show this increase in trophic factors.
interestingly, the full therapeutic effect of prozac is delayed until 4-6 weeks, but if prozac only acted on serotonin the effect would be immediate. if the main effect is on astrocytes, however, the delay is better explained since it takes time for the increase in trophic factors to lead to the increase in uptake plasticity, neurogenesis, and restoration of damaged neuronal networks.
Ernst et al.: disruption of astrocytic networks and MDD
gap junctions that create astrocytic networks are composed by connexin 30 and 43.
measured the levels of cx30 and cx43 in the PFC of suicides.
FINDINGS: both the levels of mRNA and proteins of cx30 and cx43 are reduced in the suicide cases.
CONCLUSION: link between dysfunction of astrocytic networks and depressed individuals.
cx43 decrease in the PFC of stressed rats
both protein and mRNA of cx43 were significantly decreased in CUS rats. they were restored to normal levels through either of two antidepressants: fluoxetine or duloxetine.
CUS disrupts astrocytic networks
Lucifer yellow was injected into the CUS rats’ brains. both the diffusion distance and the number of coupled astrocytes were reduced in the CUS rat group. these levels were restored to normal following antidepressant treatment.