Week 4.7.8: Genetic trait associations Flashcards
Genetic trait associations
Genetic association studies, genome-wide association studies, missing heritability, genetic disease associations, single gene disorders, polygenic disorders
In previous lectures we have been looking at;
What the human genome looks like
How we sequence genomes
How history shapes genomes
How human genomes differ from the genomes of other species
How? What? Why?
A major goal of genomics is to identify which parts of the genome are responsible for which traits. We know that the genome is having a major influence on traits like height – but how is it doing this? How do we get from our DNA too our heart or lungs etc.
Two lines of evidence in genetic trait associations
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- <!--[endif]-->Genetics
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- <!--[endif]-->Traits
Two lines of evidence in genetic trait associations
So we have to look at both of those things the genes and the traits –
We know that that baby didn’t come from that couple – because we know looking at the traits, the inheritance of particular traits that the adults have means that it is not likely that baby is from those parents.
We know a lot of the traits we see in this picture are heritable –
Of a trait within a population is the proportion of observable differences in a trait between individuals within a population that is due to genetic differences.
Heritability is about the variability of a trait – how much is due to genes and how much is it due to environment, we know that all traits are a mixture of our DNA and environment, thus we know its not just our genes that are responsible for how large your stomach is but if you eat lots of doughnuts you are more likely to have a big stomach – the heritability might be one reason why someone has a big gut but the environment has affect
How do we untangle the difference between genetic and environment effect on traits
One way of doing this is using family studies, and twin studies we know that many human traits have a high heritability. If twins vary in their traits we know that that variability is not due to their genes but due to their environment and so by doing twin studies we can begin to untangle environment and genetic influences.
If we cannot use twins then we can use families instead
We could study plants; we can clone them, growing them in different environments thus controlling genes in that they are clones
However, we cannot do human cloning, even if we did a clone and then had to manipulate their environment it would be very unethical
Facebook experiment – tweeking peoples facebook feed to see if it effected there mood – with loads of backlash
We just can’t do these experiments
But we can work with twin – family studies to try to untangle genetics/environment
We have known about heritability since long before sequencing genome s
Sir Francis Galton’s (1889) data showing the relationship between offspring height (928 individuals) as a function of mean parent height (205 sets of parents)
Genetics without DNA
From 1850 to 1950 we did genetics without knowing DNA was the hereditary material
We knew about genes since Mendel – even before we knew about DNA
Genetic maps since 1913, Alfred Sturtevant made the first genetic map (a Drosophila chromosome)
Looking at heritability is something we have been able to do for a long time
Two lines of evidence
1.Patterns of heredity – Tracing the inheritance of traits through generations
2.Patterns of DNA variation – DNA sequencing and comparison in multiple individuals
What two type of traits are there?
Two types of traits… Monogenic or polygenic
**What is a monogenic trait? **
A monogeneic trait will often show a clear pattern of Mendelian inheritance, like the peas, either dominant or recessive that segregated in the F2 generation. They tend to be present/absent in phenotype, which are relatively easy to discover the genetic basis for when you can do controlled crosses and generate large families of progeny.
In humans they are a bit harder to work on than in pea plants but still they are fairly easy to work out
Polygenic traits are not…
They are traits that involve many genes, they do not normally show clear Mendelian inheritance as they involve interactions of many genes (many loci interacting)
Polygenic traits are not…
They are traits that involve many genes, they do not normally show clear Mendelian inheritance as they involve interactions of many genes (many loci interacting)
Interact with environment in complex ways, genetic basis can be very hard to discover;
What appraoch do we use to study polygenic traits?
Quantitative trait association studies QTLs
Commonly studied with Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
GWAS is a way of looking at highly polygenic traits
From the textbook chapter 6 figure 6.9
Shows a monogeneic trait and its inheritance in comparison with polygenic traits – we are looking at disorder traits
As we know from Mendelian genetics we have simple inheritance patterns observed on the left – were are polygenic traits are not
We know there are many polygenic traits
Three examples of monogenic traits?
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· <!--[endif]-->Cystic fibrosis I that is why we have known about its genetic basis for a long time
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· <!--[endif]-->Sickle cell disease
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· <!--[endif]-->Phenylketonuria
Three examples of polygenic traits?
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· <!--[endif]-->Type 2 diabetess
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· <!--[endif]-->hypertension
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· <!--[endif]-->rheumatoid arthritis
People are still working on locating loci
Study sampling designs
With humans, we can’t design experiments on genetics as we can with other organisms
We have to make use of what variation and genealogical relationships we can discover existing in human populations
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Which people do I study?
How much of the genome do I study?
Which people do I study?
Two issues when we try to do a study,
Which people do I study?
How much of the genome do I study?
The more humans and the more genome studied the more expensive it will be – but obviously you might be able to learn a lot more looking at more people and their whole genome
Case control studies
Compare a large group of people showing a trait with a large group of people not showing a trait. For example type 2 D, you get as many people who suffer and as many that don’t then look at all the alleles of those who have type 2 D with those that don’t have – so that if you can find a single allele found in those with type 2 D, you can infer that that allele is something to do with type 2 D
But you have to take account of;
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· <!--[endif]-->genetic background (everyone from Manchester/Munich)
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· <!--[endif]-->environmental exposure
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· <!--[endif]-->same trait but different genetic cause
Works best for discrete traits (Cases/Controls)
Family-based studies
In a family based study you can know the genealogies (you know who the mother was and the father, the granddad and uncle etc.) and you can look at linkage analysis – often the environmental studies will be similar this can help control for environmental effects. Family based studies have been very successful are discovering many Mendelian traits.
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· <!--[endif]-->More powerful methods
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· <!--[endif]-->Genetic background and environmental exposures often similar among family members
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· <!--[endif]-->Problem of numbers – families small
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· <!--[endif]-->Used to discover basis of many Mendelian traits
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· <!--[endif]-->May discover rare mutations unique to a family
Might give great results but it might only be particular to that family