Week 4 Terms Flashcards
What are some Properties of LTP?
1) Input Specific
2) Cooperativity
3) Long Lasting
4) Associativity
5) It is reversible
What are the 2 Main Receptors for Glutamate?
What are the 3 Types of Synapses?
1) Axiodendritic/ Axiospino synapses - axon synapses on dendrite or dendritic spine. These account for most synapses in the brain and can be excitatory, inhibitory, or neuromodulatory
2) Axosomatic - axon synapses on the cell body and is typically inhibitory or neuromodulatory
3) Axoaxonic - axon synapes to axon
What are Purkinje Cells? What neurotransmitter do they use & what are their 2 types of spines?
- an inhibitory neuron in the cerebellum
- uses GABA as their neurotransmitter
- Spines: 1) parallel fibre, 2) climbing
What are th 3 Models of Spinogenesis?
1) Sotelo Model – spine formation is intrinsic and independent of the presynaptic terminal
2) Miller/ Peters – predicts sequential growth of spines from dendritic shafts, triggered by axon terminal
3) Vaughn’s (Filopodial) – Dendritic filopodia establish synaptic contacts, then reel in axon terminals toward dendritic shaft where terminal produces a spine