Week 4- Strokes + Movement Disorders Flashcards
How much of your total energy expenditure does the brain account for?
Why is blood supply crucial for the brain?
Doesn’t make it’s own glucose so needs a blood supply to deliver oxygen and nutrients
How many neurons and synapses does the brain have?
86 billion neurons
A quadrillion synapses (1 with 15 0s)
What does FAST stand for and what features may be present for each letter during a stroke?
Face- may be paralysed down one side
Arms- difficulty holding one arm up
Speech- slurred speech
Time- call ambulance/treat ASAP
How to distinguish between stroke and TIA?
TIA is short term
Less than 24hrs but 90% resolve in 90mins
What is the lifetime risk of having a stroke?
1 in 4 men
1 in 5 women
How is risk correlated with age?
Risk increases with age but 1 in 4 are working age
What is the definition of a stroke?
A clinical syndrome characterised by:
Rapid onset focal neurological symptoms and/or signs
Lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death
With no apparent cause other than vascular
What are some conditions that may mimic a stroke?
Brain Tumour, Brain abscess
Bleed around the brain (subdural haematoma)
Neurological condition affecting brain e.g. Multiple sclerosis
Epileptic seizure
What are some modifiable risk factors of a stroke?
Diabetes mellitus
Excessive alcohol intake
Atrial fibrillation
What are some treatment options after a stroke?
Blood pressure control
Statins for high cholesterol
Carotid surgery for carotid stenosis
Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation
What are the causes of strokes?
Atherothromboembolism 50% Intracranial small vessel disease 25% Embolism from heart 20%
Rarities 5%
What is the standard treatment of a stroke?
Oral aspirin initially