Week 4- Relationship cognition Flashcards
What is cognition?
The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses (Oxford Dictionary)
Social cognition: refers to the encoding, storage, retrieval, and processing, of information about others
Historically, what is relationship cognitive based on?
Behavioural theory- skinner box
What is the effect of a relationship contract?
They neglect underlying motivations and cognitions driving behaviours and interpretations of behaviours
(“You’re only doing this because the therapist told you to!”)
What do cognitive behavioural therapists do?
Identify underlying beliefs, needs, fear helps partners understand one another and motivates behavioural change
What are the different types of schemas?
Schemas about other people- e.g. what are the features of an introvert
Schemas about ideal relationship partners
Schemas about the self and self-in-relationships
Schemas about relation types
Difference between schema and script
Schema is environment and script is how you act
What did the study on relationship rules find?
Explored rules of marriage and found many maintenance rules such as being faithful, “respecting each other’s privacy”, “keeping secrets”, and “informing the partner about your schedule”
What happens when the relationship rules are broken?
Rule violation signal schema and you may conclude that your relationship is in trouble
What is the destiny versus growth schema?
People with strong destiny beliefs are more likely to end troubled relationships than people with strong growth beliefs
What is the sociometer
How well you are going socially- does it seem we are accepted, value, cared for?
What are rejection prone and rejection sensitive partners?
Rejection-prone partners are more vigilant for criticism and rejection on days following a conflict than partners who are less rejection-sensitive
Rejection-sensitive partners also behave more coldly and critically on days following conflict – setting up the conditions for more rejection and hurt
What was the self-fulfilling prophecy?
When we expect rejection we start to see it everywhere
What is hurt proneness
When people are quick to interpret other’s behaviours as rejecting.
Dont percieve their own role in generating suffering. Deprossogenic cognitive style
What do the distal and the proximal contexts demonstrate?
Relationship schemas operate in the distal (background, often non-conscious) context
They influence people’s ongoing (conscious) cognitions in the proximal (here and now) context
What is attribution theory
Refer tot he explanations people make about the causes of events such as partner behaviours in close relationships
How many dimensions do casual attributions run along?
What is locus (place) dimensions?
Who caused the ticket?
Self, Other, External circumstances, may be more than one locus
What is global (personality) dimension versus situatinally-specific?
Is he a risk taker or cautious?
What is stable (typical) vs unstable? (one off)
Does he usually speed?
What is controllable versus uncontrollable?
Could have avoided getting the ticket?
what is intention vs unintentional?
Did he intend to get a ticket?
What is responsible vs not responsible?
Can be be blamed for getting the ticket?