How drugs move through the body
What drugs do
Put the 4 main methods of drug administration in order of time to effect.
- Inhalation
- Injection
- Snorting/snuffing
- Ingestion
Therapeutic index
Range of doses within which a drug is effective without having unacceptable adverse effects
Give two examples of drugs with a small therapeutic index
Give an example of a drug with a large therapeutic index
What are the 4 types of drug, based on how they influence post-synaptic potential?
- Neurotransmitter
- Agonist
- Antagonist
- Modulator
What is GABA?
An endogenous inhibitory neurotransmitter
What does GABA do? (3)
–Binds to a receptor
–Stimulates an inhibitory post-synaptic potential
–Makes next neurons less likely to fire
What does musimol do? (2)
–Replicates GABA
Bicuculine (3)
–Fits GABA receptor but DOESN’T produce an effect
–Blocks it
–Downstream neurons more likely to fire
Give two examples of drugs that affect presynaptic neurons and how drugs are recycled
What does cocaine do? (3)
- Stops dopamine from returning to synapse
- Dopamine stays in cleft
- More likely to keep binding to receptors
What do MAOIs do?
Stop neurotransmitters from being broken down by enzymes
What do organophosphates do?
Stop actylcholine from breaking down in the synaptic cleft
More of drug required for same response
Less drug required for same response