Week 4: Multifactorial/Multicomponent MSK conditions Flashcards
What aggravates PFP
tasks that increase patellofemoral joint loading
such as
- jumping, running, squatting, stairs, prolonged sitting
Differentials for PFP
chrondomallacia patella patellar tendinopathy osgood schlatters sinding larsen-johansson's disease bursitis pleural of neuromas intra-articular pathology plica syndrome
What is the most common alternative diagnosis to PFP
patellar tendinopathy
How to differentiate between PFP and patellar tendinopathy
running, stairs, WB knee flexion vs jumping, change direction, stairs
nonspecific, vague vs patella inferior pole
activities that load PFJ vs jumping, early to mid squat
normal or VMO wasting vs general quads wasting
medial, lateral patella facets, inf patella or non vs inferior pole and possibly tibial tuberosity, rare mid tendon
occasional vs tendon thickening
Differentiation #2
click, clunks and crepitus
give way = occasionally
knee ROM = normal, reduced in severe cases vs normal with OP
Quads concentric contraction = normally no pain but not quality vs possibly painful
PFJ= potential restriction any direction but commonly medial vs normal unless combined with PFPS
VMO =potential for weakness & deficits in tone and timing vs general quads weakness
function = stairs & squats may aggrav, PFJ taping decreases pain vs decline squat aggravtes, PFJ tape less effect
Extrinsic factors that lead to PFP
excess training load
altered training surface
incorrect footwear
intrinsic factors that lead to PFP
gender weak medial tight lateral torsion of the femur /tibia eversion of the foot larger Q angle sulcus sign patella tilt decreased abduction strength of the hip and decreased ER strength of the hip lead to lower knee peak extension torque
Proximal treatments of PFP
hip abductor and ER strengthening
Distal treatment for PFP
Local treatment for PFP
PF mobes
vasti retraining
what is considered gold standard approach to treatment for PFP
multimodal approach including taping vasti retraining gluteal strength patella mobes and stretches
Sum up conservative treatment success for PFP
high success rate short term but long term is questionable
what is the role of supraspinatus
superior role of HOH
compresses HOH into glenoid fossa
restricts excessive superior translation of humerus
role of infraspinatus, teres minor and subscap
depression force on HOH
Role of infraspinatus and teres minor together
externally rotate humerus