Week 4: Modernization paradigm vs Post-colonial paradigm Flashcards
Modernization paradigm:
- Based on modernization/development in Western societies
- Technological approach
- Based on scientific knowledge
Post-colonial paradigm:
- Questions the neutrality of the modernization paradigm. Is the mainstream approach also ‘good’ for ‘the other’ ?
- Development = Westernization?
- Continuation of ‘colonial’ relationships?
What is ‘International Development’? (Ansell)
Policies and practices promoted by international institutions for implementation in parts of the world characterized by relatively high level of poverty, with the intention of improving quality of life
Models of development
A long history of different phases:
Modernization theory:
Give the technology and the capitalist model of the West to countries
Interdependency theory:
It said that the fact that some countries are poor, is highly related to that some countries are rich. They are related to each other, the differences in wealth
Neoliberal theory:
Focus on the importance of the market. We need to leave development to the market.
People oriented models: (needs and rights based)
The models did not reach the people that were poor. We need to reach the people who need help, instead of focusing on the state
Modernization perspective
looks at development from the perspective of (Western) modernization
- Important role of science
- Rational, goal directed
- Notion of progress
- Stage theories
- Universal model
Postcolonial perspective:
A critical response to ‘colonialism’, a critical analysis of the relation between the colonizer and the colonized and issues of power involved
Modernization model (Ansell)
a. Development can be fostered though science/ evidence based programs
b. Development is universal
c. Stage theories
d. Presented as politically ‘neutral’
Postcolonial model (Ansell)
a. Critique on the intentions and effects of ‘development’
b. (the meaning of) Development is context and culture specific
c. Interdependency: analyses of power relations
d. Critical analyses of underlying culturally informed notions, critique on: modernization = westernization
Contrasting perspectives: which is what?
Nicola Ansell (2017) Children, Youth and Development: critique on the export of global models of childhood Development is criticized as exporting ‘global models of childhood’
The world bank vision on childhood: Children are seen as the human capital of the future, scientifically based interventions can promote children’s development in third world countries, takes an objective and universal view on childhood, and on what is in the best interest of children.
3 types of ways out of the dilemma:
- Consider the critiques on modernization
a. Reconsider the meaning of modernization and Western development
Also in the West there is no fixed universally shared end point of development - Decolonialize scientific concepts and how we use them in international development
a. De-colonization: Make space for conceptions of childhood and youth from the South and integrate them in Youth Studies (and International Development) - Develop alternative models/approaches to International Development (or to intercultural/international work) that take into account the critique of post-colonialism
a. Development as a process with many drivers, WRR report, doing good, doing better.
b. Take into account non-Western paradigms of ‘international development’
Apollonian (Ansell)
little angels, passief, innocent, beschermd worden. Ouders staat in dienst om kind zo gelukkig en veilig mogelijk te laten opvoeden
Dionysian (Ansell)
little devils, moeten beschermd worden tegen hun eigen daden. Niet naar kinderen luisteren, kindertijd is om discipline te leren.
Apollonian and Dionysian: (Ansell)
kindertijd staat los van volwassen tijd, horen in hun familie te zitten. Zijn nog incompleet, puppy.
Three principal problematic effect of the global model of childhood (Ansell)
- Problems affecting majority world children are attributed (toegeschreven) to individual dysfunctioning or pathology. Children who do not fit the global model are defined abnormal and the significance of the broad social and economic contexts in which they live are neglected.
- The primary responsibility for children’s upbringing is placed with the family. Where children’s lives depart from the global model, it is families that are blamed.
- Children are seen as apolitical, a situation that is exacerbated (verergerd) by the choice of children’s NGOs and UNICEF to focus mainly on issues that are non-politicised and uncontroversial
Conclusion Global Generation (Philipps)
Scholarship is still embedded in area studies (look at different African countries’ definition of youth) . The concept of African youth, risks creating a generalized idea of what the idea of African looks like
Area research (African countires) should also look at postcolonial scholarship to think beyond their disciplinary boundaries and engage in the general discussion of youth
Both the North and the South should take steps and responsibilty to develop a better and less biased social science of youth
Deficit narrative (van Esch & de Haan)
Researchers who situate people as problems engage in deficit thinking by focusing on fixing people rather than fixing oppressive and disabling systems
Largest issue with parenting programmes on child maltreatment in African countries: (van Esch & de Haan)
Analyses use nonspecific language (“inappropriate attitudes”), and conceptualize the programme as a tool to fix insufficient parental elements. Therefore the blame is laid on the parents (at-risk approach/deficit narrative), and local practices are ignored (cross-cultural implementation)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) en kritiek (van Esch & de Haan)
Provide a universal means to measure child maltreatment
Kritiek: cannot be truly universal and is very broad
Concepts of neglect en kritiek (van Esch & de Haan)
A child carer is neglectfull when fails to provide…(basisvoorzieningen)
- deficit narrative: focusses on shortcomings
- creates a standardization of child care, some parents do not have the resources of knowledge, skills
- disregards cultural practices of non-Western communities
Conclusion study van Esch & de Haan
This case study saw a change in the way in which parents utilized the tools that they were taught in the parenting programmes (such as communication), however the programme did not change the local concept of parenthood, or the underlying values associated to parenthood.