Week 4- Measuring Domestic Output and National Income lecture Flashcards
National income accounting looking at the___
Overall performance of the economy.
Bureau of Economic Analysis gathering data on___
Income and Product Accounts on US economy.
Gross Domestic Product measures___
Total market value of all value of goods produced in a given year.
GDP including all goods___
- Produced by citizen or goods produced on US soil.
GDP can be used as Monetary Measurement to compare relative values over___
Different years of producing different amount of goods and services.
GDP only values____
Final goods and ignores intermediate goods (goods purchased for resale or for further processing).
Final goods___
Goods in stores ready to be purchases.
Value added tells us how much___
Each goods worth on our process to final goods.
GDP excludes___
Nonproduction transaction (financial transaction and second hand sales).
Public transfer payments are___
Payments gov’t makes directly to households that contribute nothing to current production in return.
Private transfer payments are___
Funds transfer from 1 person to the other.
Stock market transactions___
Purchasing stock.
2 ways to look at GDP:
- Spending___
- Income___
- GDP as the sum of all money spent in buying goods.
2. GDP as income created from producing that goods.
Personal consumption expenditure: all the money that households spent on ___
Durable (3+ yr), and non-durable (food) consumer goods.
Noninvestment transaction___
investments creating new capital assets (create jobs, income).