Week 4 Lesson 1 Flashcards
交鋒 | 交锋
jiāo fēng to cross swords / to have a confrontation (with sb)
大選 | 大选
dà xuǎn general election
醜陋 | 丑陋
chǒu lòu ugly
辯論 | 辩论
biàn lùn debate / argument / to argue over / CL:場|场[chǎng],次[cì]
制度 | 制度
zhì dù system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc) / institution / CL:個|个[gè]
zhèng fāng the side in favor of the proposition (in a formal debate)
fǎn fāng the side opposed to the proposition (in a formal debate)
yǎn bō broadcast performance / televised or podcast lecture
讚同 | 赞同
zàn tóng to approve of / to endorse / (vote) in favor
運行 运行
yùn xíng (of celestial bodies etc) to move along one’s course / (fig.) to function; to be in operation / (of a train service etc) to operate; to run / (of a computer) to run
執政黨 | 执政党
zhí zhèng dǎng ruling party / the party in power
意識形態 | 意识形态
yì shí xíng tài ideology
hé fǎ xìng legitimacy
授權 | 授权
shòu quán to authorize
績效 | 绩效
jì xiào performance / results / achievement
kuǎ to collapse (lit. or fig.)
緊密 紧密
jǐn mì inseparably close
獻金 | 献金
xiàn jīn to donate money / (monetary) contribution
繼承 | 继承
jì chéng to inherit / to succeed to (the throne etc) / to carry on (a tradition etc)
借鑒 | 借鉴
jiè jiàn to draw on (others’ experience) / to learn from (how others do things) / lesson to be learned (by observing others)
獨創 | 独创
dú chuàng to come up with (an innovation) / innovation
反彈 反弹
fǎn tán to bounce / to bounce back / to boomerang / to ricochet / rebound (of stock market etc) / bounce / backlash / negative repercussions
chāo to make a copy / to plagiarize / to search and seize / to raid / to grab / to go off with / to take a shortcut / to make a turning move / to fold one’s arms
專制 | 专制
zhuān zhì autocracy / dictatorship
假設 | 假设
jiǎ shè to suppose / to presume / to assume / supposing that … / if / hypothesis / conjecture
誤解 | 误解
wù jiě to misunderstand / misunderstanding
xuè xīng reeking of blood / bloody (events)
監禁 | 监禁
jiān jìn to imprison / to jail / to take into custody
腐敗 | 腐败
fǔ bài corruption / to corrupt / to rot / rotten
zhōng chéng devoted / loyal / fidelity / loyalty