Week 11 Lesson 1 Flashcards
忧心如焚 | 忧心如焚
yōu xīn rú fén | deeply worried and anxious
道德败坏 | 道德败坏
dào dé bài huài | moral corruption
立身处世 | 立身处世
lì shēn chǔ shì | conduct oneself in society
与时俱进 | 与时俱进
yǔ shí jù jìn | keep up with the times
视死如归 | 视死如归
shì sǐ rú guī | face death fearlessly
消灾祈福 | 消灾祈福
xiāo zāi qí fú | pray for the dispelling of disasters and blessings
志士仁人 | 志士仁人
zhì shì rén rén | people of lofty ideals and humanitarianism
人格修养 | 人格修养
rén gé xiū yǎng | moral cultivation
辛亥革命 | 辛亥革命
xīn hài gé mìng | Xinhai Revolution
拯救 | 拯救
zhěng jiù | rescue
复兴 | 复兴
fù xīng | revival
儒家 | 儒家
rú jiā | Confucianism
人之初,性本善 | 人之初,性本善
rén zhī chū, xìng běn shàn | At the beginning of human life, nature is fundamentally good
为人处事 | 为人处事
wéi rén chǔ shì | conduct oneself in society
敛财 | 敛财
liǎn cái | amass wealth
保佑 | 保佑
bǎo yòu | bless and protect