Week 4 Lecture Flashcards
A continent urinary diversion is a….
After bladder removal .
New bladder is made from your bowel.
Surgeon makes a new opening called a stoma on your tummy
Bladder removal
cutaneous ureterostomy
Detaching of the ureters by surgery
Ureters are brought to a Stoma in your tummy
the duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder or cloaca
Bed wetting
Blood in urine
Incontinence-associated dermatitis
skin bacteria convert urea (a product of protein metabolism found in urine) to ammonia which damages the skin
Indwelling Urinary Catheter (IDC):
A catheter which is inserted into the bladder, via the urethra and remains in situ to drain urine
Intermittent urethral catheter
Inserted several times a day, just long enough to drain the bladder
Act of urinating
Mixed incontinence
Activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercise, and even standing up can cause leakage in women withstress incontinence.
It’s common for women to experience symptoms of both urge and stress incontinence.
This condition is called mixed incontinence.
rapid deterioration in the kidney function due to toxic effect of medications and chemicals
Overflow incontinence
urge to urinate but can release only a small amount
Postvoid residual
Amount of urine left in bladder after micturition
Less than 50mL is norm
Specific gravity
measure of the density of a substance in comparison to the density of water.