Week 4 - Hematology: CA, WBC disorders Flashcards
memorize all 3 *Hypersensitivity reaction *allergic reaction *Parasites (may not so in eosinophiles) Esosinophils 1-4%
*Acute infections, hyperthyroidism, and long-term steroid therapy Basophils 0-1%
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV): 80-100 size of RBC
Red Cell Distrubution With (RDW): width/size variation (increase more variation)
*Very little known about this condition *Prednisone treatment *Hairy cell Leukemia Monocytes 3-7%
Sideroblastic Anemia
Sideroblastic Anemia
- No protoporhyrin
- High Fe level (no protoporhyrin to bind to) > iron toxicity
- Low hct, mch low
- Features: Ring sideroblastsin bone marrow, impaired heme biosynthesis
- Product a dimorphic blood smear with microcytes and macrocytes
- Usually acquired: Myelodsplastic syndrome, Drugs (ETOH, INH), Toxins (lead, zinc), Nutrition (pyridoxine deficiency, copper deficiency)
- Burkitt’s Lymphoma (type of Hodgkins)
- B-cell lymphoma
- African BL: mass involving the maxilla or mandible
- Sporadic BL: mass in organ (rare)
- Testing: biopsy “Starry sky” pattern
*stress, microorganisms *pathological 5,000 – 10,000/mm3
1) Primary: congenital or acquired (leuemia) 2) Secondary: IS disorders or IS meds Neutrophils 57-67%
Lymphocytosis (T & B-Cells)
*Acute VIRAL infections (ex. Epstein-Barr virus) *Leukemia, lymphomas, some chronic infections Lymphocytes 23-33%
Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkins (only difference is Reed-Sternberg cells)
- B-cells should have gone under apoptosis but survives
- Causes: EBV
- 5 year survival 83%
Most common in young adults
- 2 peaks: 30-40 & 60-70
- Painless lymphadenopathy, all the s/s of leukemia,
- B-Symptoms: Fever, weight loss, night sweats
- Reed-Sternberg Cells
*Usually occurs with neutropenia in the later stages of a bacterial infection *chronic infections and correlates with extent of myocardial damage Monocytes 3-7%
major cell group
3 types
- Cancer of the lymphocytes in the nodes (NOT in bone)
- Majority B-cells
- Hodgkins
- Reed-Sternberg cells
- Release cytokines, from malignant B-cells
- Reed-Sternberg cells
- Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkins (only difference is Reed-Sternberg cells)
- Burkitt’s Lymphoma (type of Hodgkins)
- Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas
Anemia Definition:
Men Hgb < 13 or Hct <40%
Women < 12 or Hct < 36%
Multiple Myeloma
- Plasma cells (B cells)
- Eats away at bone > calcium in bl. > renal failur
- Hypercalcemia and renal failure are frequent
- Punchout lesion on xray
- Rouleaux in bl smear
- High ESR, CRP (lots of inflammation)
- Bence jones protein (80% of cases)
- 2-5 year expectancy
Anemia of Chronic Blood Loss
- Occult blood test (test for blood loss in GI)
- Low transferrin saturation Fe/TIBC
- MCV low, MCH low (producing RCCs fast and losing free iron with blood)
- Iron low, Ferritin high, TIBC low
4 classification of Leukemia
- Acute – more severe systems (does not refer to time)
- Chronic – cancerous cells are more similar to normal cells
- Myeloid – more cells
- Lymphoid – B cells (most often) and T cells
*ALWAYS abnormal (infections, cancers, autoimmune) *predisposes a person infections 5,000 – 10,000/mm3
RBC Life Cycle
Kidney detects low RBCs > sends EPO > b. marrow in long bone produce reticulocytes > RBCs (kids 60days, toddler 90 days, adults 120) > spleen > recycle globin and send heme to liver > heme turns into bilirubin > intestines
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
- Most common type of childhood leukemia, 1/3 of all pediatric CA
- <15 and >50
- B cell (85%) or T Cell (15%)
- 5 year survival rate 80%
- Accumulation of blast cells in b marrow > suppress normal hematopoiesis > physical crowding
*Caused by EBV – B cells *Transmission usually by saliva through person contact “kissing disease” *Fever, fatigue, sore throat, swollen lymph glands *Triad: FEVER, PHARYNGITIS, LYMPHADENOPATHY *Splenomegaly – watch for spleen rupture 1-2%
3 Types of Microcytic anemia
- Iron deficiency: low MCV, high RDW
- Thalassemia: low MCV, normal RDW
- Chronic blood loss: MCV low