Midterm Review Flashcards
Exotoxin vs Endotoxin
Exotoxin: gram pos, proteins released Bacteria Growth
Endotoxin: lipopolysaccharides, gram neg, toxins in the cell wal l> released during lysis > when damage endothelium > hypothalamus/fever, tissue factor III/DIC, & septic shock/vasodialation
- Septic Shock “endotoxin will end in vasodilation, DIC, septic shock”
“endo within endothelium” “inside with a fever”
- Gram negative release endotoxins
- Endotoxins: damage endothelium in tissues causing release of PG & leukotrienes from cells. PG & leukotrienes trigger MAST cells to go crazy > Histamine & proteases > vasodilation & incr permeability > lower blood vol. and low BP
- Complement system (C3a & C5a) > vasodilation and permeability.
WBC come to fight > Phagocytes release
- IL-1 & TNF-alpha > hypothalamus > PGE2 > Fever
- IL-6 > liver > acute phase reactant proteins (makes liver more responsive to filter endotoxins out)
- IL-8 > backups > more phagocytosis
- Microvascular occlusion > ischemia
- Increase tissue factor (factor III) > DIC
- s/s: low BP, low SVR, HIGH CO (tachy, heart working properly), High O2 sat (low O2 delivery, hypoxia)
- Ceftriaxone/Zosyn, Bcx, isotonic fluids (NS or LR), vasopressors
- Gram negative release endotoxins
Resting membrane potential
Action potential
Depolarization: what shifts, ICF/ECF charge?
Refractory period
All body cells are more negatively charged than ECF (electrical polarizity)
Resting membrane potential: the difference in electrical changes inside (ICF) and outside of the cell (ECF) -70. More permeable to potassum
N. and M. cells can change resting potential
Action potential: opening voltage gates/sodium gates, occurs during depolization; changes cell from negative to positive.
Depolarization: cell now more positively charged then ECF; Na+ enters cell
Repolarization: K leaves the cell and returns to resting membrane potential
Hyperpolization: toom much K leaves the cell
Absolute Refractory period: another action potential can’t happen
Difference between osmolarity & osmolality
Osmolarity: number of solutes/liter (milliosomoles per liter; mOsm or molecules per liter)
Osmolality: weight of solute in liquid (won’t change); better oncotic measurement
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
absorbs water in the collecting ducts.
released by adrenal cortex
reabsorbs Na, Cl,
Retains water
Excretes K
in renal tubulars
Hyponatremia symptoms & causes/diseases
s/s: peripheral/cerebral edema (wt gain), HA, lethargy, restlessness, m. weakness, ALOC, Sz, Cells Swell (osmosis causes water to leave ECF and go into intracellular fluid)
Causes: diuretics, V/D/Sweating, Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insuff.), hypopituitary (2nd adrenal insuff.), SIADH, CHF, kidney pathologies
Addision’s insufficent cortisol
Hypernatremia symptoms and causes
low grade fever, flushed skin; restless/irritable; increased fluid retention and BP; peripheral and pitting edema; decreased urine output, dry mouth
Causes: corticosteroids, Cushing’s disease, hyperaldosteronism, dehydration, DI (types)
Cells shrink
- Atrophy: decreased/shrinkage in cellular size (leg muscle)
- Hypertrophy: increase in size of cells including the organelles
- Physiological – lift weights
- Pathological – heart muscle, liver, spleen
- Hyperplasia: more cells
- Physiological – menses
- Pathological – beginning of CA, moles
- Metaplasia: reversible replacement of mature cell type by another
- Pathological: epithelium in smokers
- Dysplasia: abnormal and irreversible changes in size, shape and organization of mature cells (can lead to CA)
Anaplasia: hallmark of cancer cells, poorly differentiate or undifferentiated
Directions of ABGs
- Anion Gap: Na-(Cl+HCO)= 10-12
- *10-12: Cl- increase to compensate = Renal/GI loss of HCO or dec H+
- *>12: MUDPILES
- Metabolic: pH, pCO2 same direction
- Resp pH, pCO2 opposite direction
Autosomal Recessive
Thalassemia, sickle cell, Wilson’s Disease, hemochromatosis
Autosomal Dominant
Thalassemia, sickle cell, Wilson’s Disease, hemochromatosis, CF
Hemophilia, G6PD (recessive), Robertsonian translocation down syndrome (recessive)
Klinefelter Snydrom
XXY = 47X
Males with extra X. The Y make them males
male & female sexual chara. - gynecomastia (BC), dec testosterone
Infertility, small testes
Chromosomal Testing
Turner Syndrome
45X = X_
short, no/irreg menstrual
no breast development, wide spaced nipples
Webbed Neck, low posterior hair line
Infants swollen hands and feet
Tx: GH & estrogen
Down Syndrome
XXX, Trisomy 21
95% non-disjunction (chromosomes don’t pull apart in metaphase)
1% mosaic
4% Translocation
Single cease in palms (Simian crease)
Heart defects, ALL
25% over 35yo dementia
may have decrease IQ & speech difficulties
Testing: amniocentesis, karyotype test
Glycogen with Burns
- Glycogen stores consequence
- Hyperglycemia from glycogen breakdown
- Hypermetabolic state, hyperglycemia
types of microcytic anemia
Chronic blood loss
Sideroblastic Anemia
Iron deficiency
sx and causes
sx: Kaoilonychia (bumpy nail), alopecia, tongue (shiny, red, no papillae), angular stomatitis, Inc HR, fatitue, pallor, or asymptomatic
low iron: diet, celiac, chronic diarrhea, low gastric HCL; increase requirements (infants, children/adolescents, menses, pregr). Chronic blood loss
MCV <80
MCH <27
Anisocytosis (different sizes)
Poikylocytosis (diffent shapes)
Basophilic stripping. Poikilocytosis.
Alph: Beta-4 or DNA analysis
Beta: hgb electrophoresis
No or reduced Globin/small size
types of macrocytic anemia
a lack of either alter the synthesis of DNA
normocytic types of anemia
anemia of chronic disease
acute blood loss
sicle cell
Schilling test: ID pernicious anemia
demyelination (paresthesia of fingers & toes)
IF deficiency (congenital, atrophic gastritis, AI); celiac, IBD; Metformin
MCV > 100 very large
MCH normal
Fe normal
Glossitis, Spina bifada, NO neurologic
Diet (lack of lentils, green leafy veggies)
MCV very large
Sideroblastic Anemia
No protophoryrin > iron toxicity (bronze skin, cirrhosis)
Ring Sideroblastin
Myelodysplastic syn., ETOH, INH, lead, zinc; copper def.
Aplastic Anemia
AI > caused by abnormal T cell inhibition of hematopoisesis
MCV normal
MCH Normal
Anemia of chronic disease
RF (no EPO), inflammation, aplastic anemia, hemolytic
- Primary - Autosomal recessive
- Secondary – etoh, blood transfusion
- Sx: fatigue, arthritis, gray or bronze skin tone
- Iron deposits in liver, pancreas, heart, joints/arthritis, anterior pituitary
- Labs: high iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation, and TIBC
- Overload of iron in organs & tissues (different from hemochromatosis)
- Results from
- bleeding into tissues > breakdown of RBCs
- destruction of RBCs in blood vessels
- Hemolytic anemia
- Hemochromatosis
- Fatty liver disease
- Transfusions
Aplastic Anemia
Normalcytic, normalchromic
*pancytopenia with empty marrow
*Most idiopathic – autoimmune disease > abnormal T cell inhibition of hematopoisesis
1) IS (CSA and antithymocyte globulin)
2) allogenic BMT
Irradiate CMV negative blood products until CMV status known
labs for PT, PTT, and BT
- Genetic: X-link recessive, mostly males XY (get from mom); both parents must have disease to get as a female
- still have platelets, just no fibrin
- Type A (classic hemophilia): 80%, lack factor VIII (don’t have part of positive feedback) A8
- Type B (Christmas Disease): 15%, lack factor IX (have all of positive feedback, so less serious) B9 “be Marry”
- Bleed long, not faster
- Infants bruising with mild irritation.
- Umbilical cord bleeds excessively
- Older noses bleeds easy bruising, blood in urine, severe joint pain, joint surgery
- Labs: Inc PTT, normal PT and bleeding time (normal bleeding time = how fast you bleed out) > bleed out longer
- Testing: Inc PTT, normal PT/BT, Factor 8 or 9
Thrombocytopenia purpura
- Thrombocytopenia purpura
- Low platelet count = bleeding time (faster) goes up
- Plt count < 150K
- Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) : virus
- Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (TTP): clots
Polycythemia Vera
- Too many RBCs
- Abnormal, idiopathic
- S/S hyperviscosity, splenomegaly, thrombi, infarct, HA, Pruritis after warm bath/shower, plethora (ruddy complexion) in the face, palms, nailbeds, mucosa, and conjunctive. tinnitus, chorea, delirium, visual disturbance, angina, thrombosis, ischemia
- Test: CBC
- Tx: phlebotomy (blood letting)
Von Willebrand’s Disease
- Genetic: autosomal dominant
- Don’t have Von Willebrand factor
- Platelets don’t clump together
- vWF is needed to make platelet aggregate and adhere (inadequate platelet plug = prolong bleeding)
- Labs: Incr PTT and bleeding time, but PT and PLT normal
- Positive vWF antigen
Discuss disseminated intravascular disorder (DIC).
- Lots of tissue factor III (Extrinsic pathway) released, which is not normally in blood
- D-dimer goes up
- Widespread clotting > consumes platelets & clotting factors leading to hemorrhage
- Clotting and bleeding at the same time
- Causes: sepsis, bacterial infections, cancer, placenta retained or abruptions, anesthesia, burns, major trauma
- Inc PT, Inc PTT, inc lactic dehydrogenase, inc creatinine
- Dec PLT, dec fibrinogen, protein C or S, pH, PaO2
- Inc D-dimer (break down products of fibrin)
- Subacute hemorrhage and diffuse microcirculatory thrombosis
- Sepsis most common cause, trauma, CASIR, placental abruptions, preeclampsia
- Release tissue factor by the endothelium